Nature opinion piece by Associate Professor Phill Cassey

During Associate Professor Phill Cassey's long service leave, he contributed to Nature, a highly regarded journal in his field.

In the 'career column' article, Associate Professor Cassey gave his perspective on higher-level academic promotion. In his post, he addresses higher-level diversity and equity in his workplace and outlines one proactive step his has implemented to support diversity at the University of Adelaide.

Image: Associate Professor Phill Cassey and his family, travelling Australia whilst on long service leave

He writes about the pressure in academia to be promoted rapidly, often at the cost of skills required to mentor, teach and for administration. He sees personal advancement presenting a conflict between collaboration and competition. Where collaboration between colleagues is required, yet competition exists for limited research funding and awards.

Despite scientists wanting change in gender imbalance, Associate Professor Cassey explains it is difficult to resolve the diversity crisis quickly when faculties are consist of mostly tenured positions. However, in an attempt to resolve this conflict, Cassey is choosing to delay applying for promotions and help secure new competitive tenured pathways for early- and mid-career academics instead.

Read the full article in Nature.

Image: Some things are worth the wait. Associate Professor Cassey and family.
Tagged in Centre for Applied Conservation Science, Environment Institute, Jobs, Media Release, News, Science communication
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