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Eat The Invaders: Available For Streaming Now
"Eat the Invaders" a new Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) show hosted by Tony Armstrong is a six-part series, identifying the impacts that introduced species have wrought upon the Australian landscape and its ecosystems. The show features scientific guidance every episode from our very own University of Adelaide Environment Institute Director Professor Andrew Lowe, and Environment Institute member, Professor Phill Cassey. All six episodes are available for streaming now!
[Read more about Eat The Invaders: Available For Streaming Now]
"Changing Perceptions: Embracing Flying Foxes as Part of Australia’s Biodiversity
Professor Wayne Boardman, Environment Institute member, discusses the misinformation around the endangered species of flying foxes, having his work featured in The Guardian, Yahoo News and AOL UK.
[Read more about "Changing Perceptions: Embracing Flying Foxes as Part of Australia’s Biodiversity]
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