News: research

New ARC research funding: Over $1.9M in support for projects led by members of the Environment Institute


The Australian Research Council (ARC) has announced funding outcomes for new projects in their Discovery Scheme that aim to advance Australia's knowledge and contribute to a wide range of scientific, environmental, and social benefits.

[Read more about New ARC research funding: Over $1.9M in support for projects led by members of the Environment Institute]

New study to investigate PFAS in Australian livestock

Sheep in a paddock

The University of Adelaide is embarking on a critical national research project to understand the prevalence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in Australian livestock.

[Read more about New study to investigate PFAS in Australian livestock]

Global wildlife enforcement – Policy, challenges, and opportunities for change


On 12 November, the Environment Institute was delighted to host a Special Seminar by Sheldon Jordan: Global Wildlife Enforcement – Policy, Challenges, and Opportunities for Change presented to the University of Adelaide's Research Community.

[Read more about Global wildlife enforcement – Policy, challenges, and opportunities for change]

Nature disconnection and eco-anxiety: What’s happening to young people?

Three young adults walking through a field

A recent study by the University of Adelaide has explored the rise of eco-anxiety and nature disconnection among young people.

[Read more about Nature disconnection and eco-anxiety: What’s happening to young people?]

Exciting news for climate adaptation in the Murray-Darling Basin!

The Murray River, in the Millewa Forest. Photo by Geoff Adams

Two northern Victorian Catchment Management Authorities are embarking on a groundbreaking study to assess climate change risks to water resources, supported by over $3 million in Australian Government funding through the CRC program.

[Read more about Exciting news for climate adaptation in the Murray-Darling Basin!]

Exciting research on crop topping pulses in South Australia

Andrew Barr

Researchers from the University of Adelaide, led by Jenna Malone, and supported by the South Australian Grain Industry Trust (SAGIT), are embarking on critical trials to investigate reduced rates of paraquat for crop topping lentils and faba beans.

[Read more about Exciting research on crop topping pulses in South Australia]

New research highlights the threat of microplastics to dolphins

Researchers with a dolphin in the ocean

A recent study has revealed that dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico are inhaling microplastics, raising concerns about potential lung damage and broader implications for marine health.

[Read more about New research highlights the threat of microplastics to dolphins]

Exciting discovery in the Flinders Ranges!

Artistic rendering of what scientists believe Quaestio simpsonorum looked like. Credit: Walker Weyland.

We’re thrilled to share that a new prehistoric fossil, Quaestio Simpson Aurum, has been discovered at Nilpena Ediacara National Park, dating back over 500 million years!

[Read more about Exciting discovery in the Flinders Ranges!]

Exciting news from the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN)!


TERN is launching a groundbreaking nationwide ecological data collection program in collaboration with the University of Adelaide and the University of Tasmania.

[Read more about Exciting news from the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN)!]

Goyder Line insightful interview

Goyder Line Insightful Interview

We’re delighted to share an insightful interview featuring Environment Institute member Prof. Luke Mosley from the School of Agriculture Food and Wine at the University of Adelaide.

[Read more about Goyder Line insightful interview]

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