

Find out what's on at the University of Adelaide.

Stand Tall: A celebration of female scholarship

Friday 7 March

Celebrate the achievements of female scholars past and present at the University of Adelaide. During this special event the new bronze statue of Professor Emerita Fay Gale (1932-2008) will be unveiled. 

Healthy Development Adelaide

Wednesday 12 March

Hear us, See us: children and families living in temporary accommodation / homelessness. Join this forum, held in conjunction with partner organisation Flinders University, and presented by Professor Monica Lakhanpaul (University College London, UK). 

Hugh Stretton Oration 2025

Friday 14 March

Guest speaker and graduate of the University, Adam Liaw, will explore the topic of Growing an Appetite for Good Food Policy, discussing how we as a society need to start to take the question of "good food" a little more seriously. 

Women in Sport Brunch

Thursday 20 March

Join us for a morning of brunch and networking featuring athletes, industry professionals, coaches and media personalities discussing the power of sport and its role in creating career pathways, developing leaders and strong, connected communities.

The past, present, and future of global maternal child health: opportunities for change - Dr. Zulfiqar Bhutta

Monday 24 March

Robinson Research Institute is proud to host Dr Zulfiqar Bhutta (Aga Khan University), distinguished University Professor and Founding Director of the Institute for Global Health and Development and the Centre for Excellence in Woman and Child Health.

Tasting Australia Series 2025

Friday 2 to Saturday 10 May

Tasting Australia is the country’s longest running eating and drinking festival – celebration and collaboration of people, produce and place lie at the heart of our existence.




Kaurna Day: Tirkanthi | Ngutu | Taikurrinthi 2025

Kaurna Day 2025 - Tirkanthi - Ngutu - Taikurrinthi (Learning – Knowledge - Be united together), a day to immerse yourself and celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and culture. A sunrise smoking ceremony begins a day of music, dance, and storytelling.



Wildlife Crime with John Scanlon AO and Professor Phill Casset

Join John E. Scanlon AO, an international environmental leader with a distinguished career in law, policy, and conservation, and Professor Phill Cassey, head of the Wildlife Crime Research Hub at the University as they will help unravel the complexities of illegal wildlife trade. Monday 3 March, 2–3 pm. Plane Tree Centre, Adelaide Zoo. Register.



UniSuper women and finance webcast

Join UniSuper's interactive women and finance webcast to learn more about your options in retirement. Everyone is welcome – even if you are not a UniSuper member. Develop a better understanding of financial matters and managing their retirement savings. Tuesday 4 March, 12.30–1.30 pm and Thursday 6 March, 5.30–6.30 pm. Online. Register.



State of the sector: the top trends impacting global research universities and what they mean for Adelaide University

This session will provide a high level overview of major trends including: international enrolments, domestic enrolments, cost savings initiatives, the future of campus space and hybrid work and learning, staff burnout, the rising cost of research competition, the impact of generative AI. Thursday 6 March, 9–11 am and 11.30 am to 1.30 pm. Rooms 704/705, Level 7, Nexus 10 Tower, Pulteney Street. Register.



Generative AI in higher education: opportunities, challenges, and what universities are doing right now to adapt

This session will include a review of EAB survey data and provide case studies on how universities are currently using generative AI across teaching and learning, student support, recruiting, fundraising, and administrative efficiency, focusing on barriers to adoption and where the biggest gains are likely to be. Thursday 6 March, 2.30–4.30 pm. Rooms 704/705, Level 7, Nexus 10 Tower, Pulteney Street. Register.



Stand Tall: A celebration of female scholarship

Celebrate the achievements of female scholars past and present at the University of Adelaide. During this special event the new bronze statue of Professor Emerita Fay Gale (1932-2008) will be unveiled. This will be the first female statue on the University, representing the achievements of Professor Gale and all female scholars in the university's past, present, and future. Friday 7 March, 10–11.30 am. Barr Smith Lawns, North Terrace campus. Register.



Credential innovation: designing new credentials to engage the changing needs of learners

Interest in shorter and more targeted micro-credentials has the potential to grow enrolments from working adults as well as younger students who don’t see the value in a traditional degree. Yet designing, delivering, and recruiting for these credentials requires significant changes to policies, procedures and infrastructure. Friday 7 March, 11.30 am to 1.30 pm. Rooms 704/705, Level 7, Nexus 10 Tower, Pulteney Street. Register.



The growing trend of education “non-consumers”

The Growing Trend of Education “Non-Consumers”: Why Are So Many Young People Opting Out of Higher Education and How Can We Re-Engage Them? Across a number of developed economies, the percentage of recent school leavers enrolling directly into higher education has declined, threatening national and state goals to improve access and close skill gaps. Friday 7 March, 2.30–4.30 pm. Rooms 704/705, Level 7, Nexus 10 Tower, Pulteney Street. Register.



Fay Gale Centre seminar

Bhutan’s Homeland Activists: The Ecosystem of Exile Politics. In this talk, Associate Professor Susan Banki (University of Sydney) will draw on the key themes of her recently published book, The Ecosystem of Exile Politics. Tuesday 11 March, 11 am to 12 pm. Meeting room 5.57, Ingkarni Wardli building, North Terrace campus.



Healthy Development Adelaide

Hear us, See us: children and families living in temporary accommodation/homelessness. Join this forum, held in conjunction with partner organisation Flinders University, and presented by Professor Monica Lakhanpaul (University College London, UK). Wednesday 12 March, 5.30–7.30 pm. Napier 102 lecture theatre, first floor, Napier building, North Terrace. Register.
