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Working on a new approach to sustainability in smallholder-dominated supply chains

Dr Daniel Gregg provides a project update from his fieldwork in Uganda.
[Read more about Working on a new approach to sustainability in smallholder-dominated supply chains]
Voice from the field

The IndoDairy Village Level Researchers (VLRs) put together this video, capturing the ‘Voices from the Field’.
Review of Pastoral Act provides opportunity to bring forward new ideas to South Australian land management

GFAR's Associate Professor Patrick O'Connor, along with his colleagues, has completed a detailed submission to the review of the Pastoral Land Management and Conservation Act 1989.
World Food Day at GFAR

Today the staff and PhD students at the Centre for Global Food and Resources (GFAR) are hosting a lunch to celebrate World Food Day.
We welcome GFAR’s newest PhD student, Trang Nguyen

Our newest PhD student at the Centre for Global Food and Resources (GFAR), Trang Nguyen, has research interests in agricultural and food system sustainability, especially within the context of climate change.
[Read more about We welcome GFAR’s newest PhD student, Trang Nguyen]