News: Active projects

GFAR mobile experimental laboratory

decision making

A major focus for this mobile lab is on decision-making in local contexts.

[Read more about GFAR mobile experimental laboratory]

Agricultural Policy Research to Support Natural Resource Management in Indonesia’s Upland Landscapes

Indogreen project 1

This project’s research activities provide an understanding of how existing national and local policies (e.g., public investments, property rights, extension, fertiliser and water subsidies, trade policies, and taxes) influence farm household decisions that result in these environmental externalities.

[Read more about Agricultural Policy Research to Support Natural Resource Management in Indonesia’s Upland Landscapes]

Building water governance capacity in the EU

Murray River

he purpose of this project is to fortify a continuing dialogue around water issues between the EU and Australia.

[Read more about Building water governance capacity in the EU]

Improving groundwater allocation and use in the western USA


Key insights include the importance of attending to the development of institutional arrangements that enable individual users to trade water.

[Read more about Improving groundwater allocation and use in the western USA]

Climate sharing and energy security

Climate sharing and energy security

This project is searching for ways to bring investment confidence back to the electricity sector.

[Read more about Climate sharing and energy security]

Minimising transaction costs in Murray–Darling Basin water reform

Murray River

The objective is to identify the magnitude of costs associated with different categories, and their direction over time, such that insights for other jurisdictions and external parties may be formed.

[Read more about Minimising transaction costs in Murray–Darling Basin water reform]

Enhancing livelihoods from improved forest management in Nepal


This project builds on the success and lessons of the 5-y project FST/2011/076, Enhancing livelihoods and food security from agroforestry and community forestry in Nepal, also known as the EnLiFT project.

[Read more about Enhancing livelihoods from improved forest management in Nepal]

Aligning genetic resources, production and postharvest systems to market opportunities for Pacific island and Australian cocoa

Cocoa plant

This project will build on past work by adopting a “whole of chain” approach, focused on specific market needs and opportunities: evaluating and disseminating appropriate genetic resources, raising agronomic productivity, and developing and encouraging the uptake of best practice in fermentation and drying to optimise cocoa quality.

[Read more about Aligning genetic resources, production and postharvest systems to market opportunities for Pacific island and Australian cocoa]

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