News: Project communications
Cocoa cruising to success

GFAR’s cocoa research project in Vanuatu celebrated a major achievement this week with products entering a new high-value market.
Working on a new approach to sustainability in smallholder-dominated supply chains

Dr Daniel Gregg provides a project update from his fieldwork in Uganda.
[Read more about Working on a new approach to sustainability in smallholder-dominated supply chains]
Fieldwork stories from South Sumatra

Sacha Amaruzaman, a PhD candidate at the Centre for Global Food and Resources (CGFAR) shares latest updates about his research field work in South Sumatra, Indonesia.
Is Hydrogen the next future fuel?

A new report authored by researchers from The Centre for Global Food and Resources (CGFAR) and The South Australian Centre for Economic Studies (SACES) explores rapid advances globally in the development of hydrogen as a future source of energy.
IndoDairy Extension and Indo Livestock Expo

In this blog Jack Hetherington talks about extension activities of the IndoDairy project and participation in the recently held Indo Livestock Expo in Indonesia.
[Read more about IndoDairy Extension and Indo Livestock Expo ]
Policy research to support Indonesia’s upland landscapes

An important research gap in the study of Indonesia’s upland catchments is the lack of recent analysis examining how economic policies shape farm household land use decisions..
[Read more about Policy research to support Indonesia’s upland landscapes]
Empowering mango farmers in Asia
Mango is the third most widely grown fruit in the tropics and sub-tropics, after watermelon and banana and is mostly grown by smallholder farmers. Global production has increased by approximately 50% during the last decade by an average of 4.5% per annum.
Towards a sustainable fresh vegetable supply chain in Cambodia and Lao PDR

Our project on improving market engagement, post-harvest management and productivity of the Cambodian and Lao PDR vegetable industries is drawing to a close. This month, the project team have been busy finalising 4 years’ of research and development activities following our end of project review in December.
[Read more about Towards a sustainable fresh vegetable supply chain in Cambodia and Lao PDR]