IPAS Student Research Presentation

The goal of my PhD was to develop an apparatus that realises the laser-cooling, trapping, and loading of rubidium atoms into a kagome-lattice hollow-core fibre.

The tight transverse confinement of light provided by fibre guarantees overlap between the trapped atomic sample and guided optical modes over an arbitrarily long distance.

Laser cooling improves the effective atom number of the sample by increasing the fraction that participate in interaction, and significantly improves the coherent interaction time by reducing the spatial decoherence rate of the ensemble.

The resulting platform is capable of achieving the ultra-high optical depths required for exciting quantum-optics applications such as long-lived coherent optical pulse storage.

I will talk about the design and development of this system, the results achieved, and directions forward for the project

Every year IPAS runs an Annual Student Research Event. All IPAS students (Honours, Masters, PhD, writing up or visiting students) are invited to participate to give a 3-minute talk (followed by an additional question time) on their research.

 There will be two cash prizes on offer:

* The Merry Wickes Transdisciplinary Award - $500; and

* The Tanya Monro Presentation Award - $500.

A reminder to please email me directly by no later than the 30th January if you are a student and wish to participate.

 The talks will be held Thursday 20th February at 11.10am in The Braggs 214. The winners will be announced at the IPAS New Year Event being held at La Bocca Bar and Grill at 150 North Terrace on Friday 21st  February 2020. Students are asked to submit their presentation slides to me before the talks.

All IPAS members are encouraged to come to listen to our students’ talks.

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