Our People
Our Director
Professor Mark Hutchinson
Director (interim) of the Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing.
ARC Future Fellow and Professor within the Adelaide Medical School.
Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Nanoscale BioPhotonics.
Scientific expert members of the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC).Mark's world-leading team is developing innovative technologies that allow for the early diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases, including pain. Professor Hutchinson’s research explores the “other brain” or the other 90% of cells in the brain and spinal cord. These immune-like cells are termed glia. Mark’s research has implicated the brain's immune-like cells in the action of drugs of dependence and the negative side effects of pain treatments. He has pioneered research that has led to the discovery of novel drug activity at innate immune receptors. His work has enabled the translation of compounds at the lab bench to clinical agents used at the bedside.
In his role as Director of the CNBP he is responsible for the research program of the ARC Centre of Excellence with $50M of funding headquartered at The University of Adelaide, with nodes at Macquarie University and UNSW, Sydney, the RMIT, Melbourne and Griffith University Qld. The CNBP is partnered with universities and companies in Europe, the US and China, as well as other Australian institutions. Prof Hutchinson’s work with the CNBP is to "Discover new approaches to measure nano-scale dynamic phenomena in living systems” and allow the first minimally invasive real-time visualisations of the “other brain”.
Mark serves as a founding member of the Operating in Contaminated Environments Advisory Council for the DSTG CBRN STaRShot, is a founding member of the executive of the Animal Welfare Collaborative (TAWC), is the Chair of the Australian Pain Solutions Research Alliance, the co-chair of the Safeguarding Australia through Biotechnology Response and Engagement (SABRE) Alliance, a Ministerial appointment to the Australian Research Council CEO Advisory Council, and one of three eminent academics reviewing the ARC Federal Legislation.
Our Chief Innovator
Professor Andre Luiten FAIP GAICD FTSE
Chief Innovator of the Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing
Chair of Experimental Physics at the University of Adelaide
Fellow of the Australian Institute of Physics and the Australian Academy of Technology and EngineeringAndre obtained his PhD in Physics from the University of Western Australia in 1997, for which he was awarded the Bragg Gold Medal. He has subsequently held three prestigious Fellowships from the ARC. For his efforts Andre was the joint inaugural winner of the WA Premier’s Prize for Early Career Achievement in Science.
Andre came to the University of Adelaide in 2013 to take up the Chair of Experimental Physics and a South Australian Research Fellowship from the Premier’s Research and Innovation Fund.
Andre's work is aimed at the development of state-of- the-art instruments across many diverse fields of physics. He has published 6 book chapters and authored 131 journal papers (with over 5,600 citations), has over 110 conference papers, and has raised over $34M for research.
The excellence of his research has been recognised by the award of:
- Barry Inglis Medal from the National Measurement Institute, which acknowledges outstanding achievement in measurement research and excellence in practical measurements,
- Australian Institute of Physics’ Alan Walsh Medal for Service to Industry, and
- prestigious 2018 Eureka Prize for Outstanding Science in safeguarding Australia.
Andre is also the co-founder and managing Director of QuantX Labs, a successful start-up commercialising the world’s most precise clock (Cryoclock) and developing the highest precision timing and sensor products.
Our Deputy Director
Professor Heike Ebendorff-Heidepriem
Deputy Director of the Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing
Director of the Optofab Adelaide Hub at the Australian National Fabrication FacilityIn 2017 she became a Fellow of the Optical Society of America, an honour awarded by peers for having “made significant contributions to the advancement of Optics”.
Heike obtained her PhD in chemistry from the University of Jena, Germany in 1994 and subsequently held two prestigious fellowships. From 2001-2004 she was with the Optoelectronics Research Centre at the University of Southampton, UK. Heike came to the
University of Adelaide in 2005. She was awarded the:- Woldemar A. Weyl International Glass Science Award in 2001,
- International Zwick Science Award in 2009,
- University of Adelaide Women’s Research Excellence Mid-Career Award in 2015, and
- Winnovation SA Technology Award from the SA Women in Innovation and Technology in 2017.
Heike’s research focuses on the development of novel optical glasses, fibres, surface functionalization and sensing approaches.
Founding Director
Professor Tanya Monro
Inaugural Director
Tanya grew the institute from 55 members at the launch in November 2009 to over 180 members in 2014.
Tanya secured the Federal, State and University funds that underpinned the creation of The Braggs building (opened in 2013), the headquarters facility of IPAS. Pioneering the institutes transdisciplinary strategies and instigated the institute’s industry partnering programs
She has published more than 600 peer reviewed publications and serves on local and national boards and committees. Her research contributions have been in photonics with a particular emphasis on building transdisciplinary teams to solve real world measurement challenges. -
Executive team
Prof Robert McLaughlin
Prof Kishan Dholakia
Prof David Ottaway
Dr Andy Boes
Scientific Leadership Committee
Prof Mark Hutchinson
Prof Andre Luiten
Prof Heike Ebendorff-Heidepriem
Piers Lincoln
Prof Andrew Abell
Dr Andy Boes
A/Prof John Bruning
Prof Kishan Dholakia
Dr Kylie Dunning
Prof Miftar Ganija
Dr Rohan Glover
A/Prof Tony Hooker
A/Prof Tak Kee
Prof Martin Lambert
Dr Cheryl Suwen Law
A/Prof Jiawen Li
Luis Lima-Marques
Prof Robert McLaughlin
Thanh Nguyen
Prof David Ottaway
Dr Chris Perrella
Prof Tala Pukala
Dr Katharina Richter
Prof Gavin Rowell
A/Prof Abel Santos
Dr Erik Schartner
Prof Glenn Solomon
Dr Ben Sparkes
Prof Nigel Spooner
Prof Yvonne Stokes
Dr Georgina Sylvia
Prof Nelson Tansu
A/Prof Steven Wiederman
Helena Wescombe-Down
Dr Danny Wilson
Dr Warren Harch - Chair
Peter Fisk
Dr Dale Lambert
Dr Judy Halliday
Prof Anton Middelberg
Prof Laura Parry
Prof Andre Luiten
Piers Lincoln - Secretary
Science Network Committee
Dr Jillian Moffatt (Co-Chair)
Dr Chris Perrella (Co-Chair)
Dr Rohan Glover
Satyathiran Gunenthiran
Gabriel Monteiro
Thanh Nguyen
Dr Mohammad Rashidi
Dr Erik Schartner
Dr Sarah Scholten
Dr Tiffany Tan
Jarryd Tiu
Dion Turner
Dr Sarah Watzdorf
Helena Wescombe-Down
IPAS members
Surname First name Title Position School Abdullah Mariam Ms Student, PhD School of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Abdirashid Ali Lula Miss Student, Undergrad School of PCES Abell Andrew Prof Professor (E) School of PCES Ahern Emily Ms Student, PhD School of PCES Alwahabi Zeyad Prof Professor (E) School of Chemical Engineering Amini Shima Ms Student, PhD School of PCES Andrews Mia Ms Student, Masters School of Biological Sciences Arnold Lee A/Prof Associate Professor (D) School of PCES Asiri Mohammad Mr Student, PhD School of PCES Baghapour Shaghayegh Mrs Visiting Student, PhD (UniSA) Bajic Juliana Dr Grant-funded research fellow School of Biomedicine Bajraktarevic Admir Mr Student, Undergrad School of PCES Barnes Serena Ms Student, PhD School of PCES Baron Jaimez Jairo Mr Student, PhD School of Chemical Engineering Barta Miroslav Mr Student, PhD School of PCES Bautista Gonzalez Ramses Mr Student, PhD School of Biological Sciences Baynes Fred Dr Visiting Research Fellow (QTX) Becker Rouven Dr Postdoc (A) School of Biomedicine Bell Stephen A/Prof Associate Professor (D) School of PCES Beniwal Deeksha Ms Student, PhD School of PCES Billington Chris Dr Automation Engineer School of PCES Boahen Angela Mrs Student, PhD School of PCES Boes Andy Dr Senior Physicist School of PCES Bolingbroke Georgia Ms Student, PhD School of PCES Bourbeau-Hebert Nicolas Dr Research Associate (A) School of PCES Britto Monteiro Gabriel Mr Student, PhD School of PCES Brown Daniel Dr ARC Grant-Finded Researcher (B) School of PCES Bruning John A/Prof Associate Professor (D) School of Biological Sciences Builth-Williams Joseph Dr Research Associate (A) School of PCES Bursill Christina A/Prof Associate Professor (D) Adelaide Medical School Burzacott Dylan Mr Engineering School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Calzavara Florian Dr Grant-Funded Researcher (A) School of PCES Campugan Carl Adrian Mr Student, PhD School of Biomedicine Chambers Thomas Dr Grant-Funded Researcher (A) School of PCES Chan Clement Mr Student, PhD School of PCES Chapsky Alexandra Dr Research Associate (A) School of PCES Charlwood Jason Mr Student, PhD School of PCES Charvetto Jacob Mr Student, Honours School of PCES Chen Ley Dr Senior Lecturer School of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Chen Rouyan Ms Student, PhD Adelaide Medical School Chen Yi Mr Student, PhD School of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Chow Darren Mr Student, PhD Adelaide Medical School Clay Roger Prof Emeritus Professor School of PCES Cochrane Madeleine Miss Student, PhD School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Collins-Praino Lyndsey A/Prof Associate Professor (D) School of Biomedicine Cooling Harriet Ms Student, Honours Adelaide Medical School Cruse Taylah Ms Student, PhD School of PCES Curtis Simon Mr Student, PhD School of PCES Dalgleish Jacob Mr Grant Funded Researcher School of PCES Dawson Bruce Prof Professor (E) School of PCES De Bellis Dylan Mr Research Assistant School of PCES de Prinse Thomas Dr Postdoctoral Researcher School of PCES Demuro Martina Dr ARC Reserach Fellow (B) School of PCES Devrelis Vladimir A/Prof Associate Professor (D) School of PCES Deziel Laurence Mrs IPAS Administration Officer IPAS Dholakia Kishan Prof Professor (E) School of Biological Sciences Dickinson Sarah Miss Student, Honours School of PCES Dodds Kelsi Dr Research Fellow School of Biomedicine Donnelley Martin A/Prof Senior Research Fellow Adelaide Medical School Doughney Timothy Mr Student, PhD School of PCES Dowler Alastair Mr Technical Officer School of PCES Dunning Kylie Dr Research Fellow (D) Robinson Research Institute Ebendoff-Heidepriem Heike Prof Professor, IPAS Deputy Director School of PCES Evans Samuel Dr ARC Grant-Funded Researcher (A) Adelaide Medical School Falanga Chantelle Ms Student, Summer Scholar School of PCES Fang Laura Ms Student, Honours School of PCES Flint Kate Dr Grant-Funded Researcher (A) School of PCES Foster Scott Dr Visiting Research Fellow (DSTG) School of PCES Frolich Sonja Dr NHMRC Researcher (A) School of Biological Sciences Gancheva Maria Dr Postdoc (A) School of Biological Sciences Ganija Miftar Dr Professor School of PCES George Jonathan A/Prof Associate Professor (D) School of PCES Ghomashchi Reza A/Prof Associate Professor (D) School of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Glover Rohan Dr Research Fellow (B) School of PCES Gossink Declan Mr Student, Masters School of PCES Gray James Mr Aerospace Engineer (Consultant) School of PCES Griesser Hannes Mr Student, PhD School of PCES Gunenthiran Satyathiran Mr Student, PhD School of Chemical Engineering Haerteis Lisa Dr ARC Grant Funded Researcher (A) School of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Halder Amit Mr Student, PhD School of PCES Hamilton Murray Prof Emeritus Professor School of PCES Harris Hugh Prof Professor (E) School of PCES Hedger Jonathan Mr Student, PhD School of PCES Henderson-Sapir Ori Dr Research Fellow (B) School of PCES Herrera-Benzaquen Ivan Dr Grant-Funded Researcher (B) School of PCES Hilton Ashby Dr Research Associate (B) School of PCES Holfeld Hugh Mr Student School of PCES Holmes Zachary Mr Student, PhD School of PCES Holroyd Dayna Miss Student, PhD School of Biological Sciences Hooker Tony (Antony) A/Prof Associate Professor (D) Director, CRREI School of PCES Horsley John Dr ARC Grant-Funded Researcher (A) School of PCES Hsi Josiah Mr Student, Masters School of PCES Huang Weikun Mr Student, PhD School of PCES Huang David A/Prof Associate Professor (D) School of PCES Hudson Irene Prof Visiting Research Fellow (RMIT) Hughes Emi Ms Student, Honours School of PCES Hutchinson Mark Prof Professor, CNBP Director, IPAS Director School of Biomedicine Huynh Hoa (Minh) Mr Research Assistant School of PCES Imiolczyk Claudia Ms Student, PhD School of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Ingram Craig Mr Research Associate (A) School of PCES Johnson Evan Mr ANFF, CNC Milling Technician School of PCES Johnston Charlotte Ms Student, PhD School of Biomedicine Jovcevski Blagojce Dr Research Associate (A) School of Agriculture Food & Wine Kalnins Chris Dr ARC Grant Funded Researcher (A) School of PCES Kalyvas John Mr Student, Masters School of PCES Kee Tak A/Prof Associate Professor (D) School of PCES Keene Richard Prof Emeritus Professor School of PCES Kemperman Lucas Mr Student, Honours School of PCES Khan Sidra Ms Student, PhD Adelaide Medical School Kijbunchoo Nutsinee Dr ARC Grant Funded Researcher (A) School of PCES Kirk Bradley Dr Grant-Funded Researcher (A) School of PCES Kirk Rodney Mr NHMRC Grant-Funded Researcher (C) School of Biomedicine Klantsataya Elizaveta Dr Grant-Funded Researcher (B) School of PCES Kong Yujia Miss Student, PhD School of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Kostecki Roman Dr NHMRC Grant-Funded Researcher (A) School of PCES Kritzinger Ané Miss Student, PhD School of Biological Sciences Kumar Akhil Mr Student, PhD School of PCES Kumar Sachin Mr Student, PhD School of PCES Kushwaha Alok Dr Research Associate (A) School of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Lai Keng Heng (Chanelle) Ms Student, PhD School of Biological Sciences Lambert Martin Prof Professor (E) School of Architecture and Civil Engineering Law Cheryl (Suwen) Dr Research Associate (B) School of Chemical Engineering Lebedev Vasily Mr Student, PhD Adelaide Medical School Lee Kwang Jun Dr NHMRC Grant-Funded Researcher (A) School of PCES Leggatt Sara Mrs IPAS, Senior Office Admin IPAS Leung Eliza Miss Student, Undergraduate School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Li Gete Mr Student, PhD School of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Li Jiawen A/Prof Associate Professor School of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Li Shan Miss Student, PhD School of Biomedicine Li Tong Miss Student, PhD School of Biomedicine Liang Hsing-An Mr Student, Honours School of PCES Liffner Benjamin Dr Postdoctoral Researcher (B) School of Biological Sciences Lim Megan Dr ARC Grant-Funded Researcher (A) School of Biological Sciences Lima-Marques Luis Mr ANFF Laboratory Manager School of PCES Lincoln Piers Mr IPAS Institute Manager IPAS Longo Masengo John Mr Student, PhD School of Chemical Engineering Losic Dusan Prof Professor (E) School of Chemical Engineering Luiten Andre Prof IPAS Chief Innovator, Chair of Exp Physics (E) IPAS MacKinnon Andrew A/Prof Associate Professor/Reader School of PCES Mao Emma Ms Student, Masters School of Biological Sciences Marini Danila Dr Grant-Funded Researcher (B) School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences McDonnell Kathryn Ms Student, PhD School of PCES McDougal Daniel Mr Student, PhD School of Biological Sciences McEvoy-May James Dr Research Fellow (A) School of PCES McInnes Jamie Mr Student, PhD (DSTG) School of PCES McLaughlin Rob (Robert) Prof Professor (E) School of Biomedicine McNearney Eugene Mr Mechatronic Engineer School of PCES Melville Benjamin Mr Research Assistant School of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Moffatt Jillian Dr Grant-Funded Researcher (A) School of PCES Morphett Jane Ms Student, PhD School of Biomedicine Morrow William Mr Student, PhD School of PCES Mouthaan Ralf Dr ARC Grant-Funded Researcher School of Biological Sciences Munch Jesper Prof Emeritus Professor School of PCES Musolino Stefan Dr Research Associate (A) Adelaide Medical School Mustafa Sanam Dr ARC Grant-Funded Researcher (B) Adelaide Medical School Nelligan Montana Mr Mechanical Engineer School of PCES Neville Georgina Ms Student, PhD Adelaide Medical School Ng Alson Mr ANFF Research Officer School of PCES Ng Sebastian Dr Research Associate (A) School of PCES Ngo Van Truc Mr Student, PhD School of Chemical Engineering Nguyen Tan Dai Dr Postdoc Researcher (B) School of Biomedicine Nguyen Thanh Mrs IPAS Administration Officer IPAS Nguyen Linh Dr Research Associate (A) UniSA School of PCES Norman Rebecca Dr Postdoc (A) School of PCES Noschka Erik A/Prof A/Prof Equine Surgery & Assoc RF SAHMRI School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences Nourmohammadi Saeed Mr Student, PhD Adelaide Medical School O'Connor Martin A/Prof Associate Professor (Level D) School of PCES Odell Fraser Mr Student, Honours School of PCES Ong Oscar Zi Shao Dr Postdoc Researcher School of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering O'Toole Katie Ms Student, Summer Scholar School of PCES Offer Rachel Dr Postdoc (LevelA) School of PCES Ottaway David Prof Professor (Level E) School of PCES Patrashin Mikhail Dr Grant Funded Researcher School of PCES Pan Jiayuan Mr Student, PhD School of Chemical Engineering Payten Tom Dr Research Associate School of PCES Pease Joshua Dr Research Associate (Level A) School of PCES Pederick Jordan Mr Student, PhD School of PCES Pekin Kaitlin Ms Student, PhD School of Biological Sciences Perov Veniamin Mr Student, Undergrad School of Computer & Mathematical Sciences Perrella Chris Dr Research Associate (B) School of PCES Peterkovic Zane Mr Student, PhD School of Biological Sciences Pho Bill Dr Postdoc Researcher School of PCES Plewa Carolin Prof Professor (Level E), D/D (Research) Fac of Professions Office of DVC and VP ® Pointon Lachlan Mr Student, Honours School of PCES Polyak Steven Dr Visiting Research Fellow (UniSA) School of PCES Pounendis Paul Mr Student, Honours School of PCES Preet Gagan Mrs Postdoc Research Fellow School of PCES Priya Ms Student, PhD School of PCES Pukala Tara Prof Professor (Level E) School of PCES Punse Aman Mr Student, PhD School of Biological Sciences Quarrington Ryan Dr Grant funded researcher level B Adelaide Medical School Quattlaender Riccarda Ms Student, PhD School of Allied Health Science & Practice Questiaux Danielle Ms Research Assistant School of PCES Quirk Bryden Mr Senior Research Fellow Adelaide Medical School Radionova Anna Dr Postdoc (LevelA) School of PCES Rana Manjit Mr Student, PhD School of Biological Sciences Raynal Damien Dr ARC Grant funded researcher School of Biological Sciences Reid Iain Prof Emeritus Professor School of PCES Richter Katharina Dr NHMRC Research Fellow (C) Adelaide Medical School Riesen Nicolas Dr Visiting Research Fellow School of PCES Rollan Therese Dr CSIRO Postdoc Fellow CSIRO Space Technology Romeo Ornella Ms Technical Officer School of Biological Sciences Roocke Thomas Mr Research Assistant School of PCES Roufos Aithan Mr Student, PhD School of PCES Rowell Gavin Prof Professor (Level E) School of PCES Rowland Jed Mr Student, PhD School of PCES Ruan Yinlan Dr Research Fellow (Level B)-back as visitor from 29/5 School of PCES Rusby Joshua Mr Student, Masters School of PCES Salih Ehab Mr Student, PhD School of PCES Sansoldo Pedro Mr Student, PhD School of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Santos Abel A/Prof Associate Professor (Level D) School of Chemical Engineering Santos Alexandre Dr Lecturer School of PCES Scaffidi-Muta Jarred Mr Student, Masters School of PCES Schartner Erik Dr Research Fellow (Level B) School of PCES Scholten Sarah Dr Postdoc (B) School of PCES Shaw Ruth Dr Posdoctoral Reseach Fellow School of Agriculture and Civil Engineering Siapkas Teena Miss Student, Honours School of PCES Singh Jassimar Mr Student, PhD School of PCES Singla Shamit Mr Student, PhD School of Biological Sciences Slattery Thomas Mr Student, PhD School of PCES Slimani Sabrina Ms Student, Honours School of PCES Smith Darcy Mr Student, PhD School of PCES Solomon Glenn Prof Hicks Chair, Quantum Materials School of PCES Southwell Joshua Mr Student, Masters School of PCES Sparkes Ben Dr Visiting Research Fellow (DSTG) School of PCES Spooner Nigel Prof Professor (Level E) School of PCES Stachura Damian Dr Postdoc (Level A) School of PCES Staikopoulos Vicky Dr Visiting Research Fellow Adelaide Medical School Stanhope Jessica Dr Lecturer (Level B) School of Allied Health Science & Practice Stasiak Andrzej Mr Electronic Engineer School of PCES Stokes Yvonne Prof Professor (Level E) School of Computer & Mathematical Sciences Subramaniam Ashwin Mr Student, Undergrad School of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Sunny Anoop Dr Postdoc Researcher School of PCES Suo Shijin (Betty) Miss Student, PhD School of Biomedicine Sylvia Georgina Dr Project Officer School of PCES Tan Cheow Yuen (Tiffany) Dr NHMRC funded researcher (level A) School of Biomedicine Tang Difan Dr Postdoc (Level A) School of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Tansu Nelson Prof Professor (Level E) School of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Tettamanzi Giuseppe Dr Senior Research Fellow (Level C) School of PCES Thomas Lijesh Mr 3D Manufacturing Technician School of PCES Thompson Jeremy Prof Affiliate Prof Adelaide Medical School Tieu William Dr Senior Research Radiochemist at SAHMRI SAHMRI Ting Heng Zheng Dr Postdoc Researcher School of PCES Tiu Jarryd Mr Student, Masters School of Biological Sciences Tran Huong Ms Student, PhD School of Chemical Engineering Tran Khoa Nhu Mr Student, PhD School of Chemical Engineering Tran Quy Don Mr Student, PhD School of Chemical Engineering Trowbridge Alexander Mr Student, Honours School of PCES Turland Kaitlin Ms Student, Masters School of Biological Sciences Turner Dion Mr Student, PhD School of PCES Undurti Satya Dr Level B School of PCES Upadhya Avinash Dr Postdoc Level B School of Biological Sciences Urbina Gerardo Mr Student, PhD School of PCES Vandborg Bethiney Mrs Student, PhD School of Biological Sciences Veitch Peter Prof Professor (Level E) School of PCES Vincent Bob (Robert) Prof Emeritus Professor School of PCES Vu Khanh Nhien Ms Student, PhD School of Chemical Engineering Wagner Kim Ms Student, PhD School of Biomedicine Wang Juan Mrs Student, PhD School of Chemical Engineering Wang Yifei John Mr Student, Honours School of PCES Wang Mickey Dr Visiting Research Scientist School of PCES Ward Thomas Mr Student, Honours School of PCES Warren-Smith Stephen Dr Visiting Research Fellow (UniSA) School of PCES Waterman Jared Mr Computer Science School of PCES Watson Emma Dr Lecturer School of PCES Watzdorf Sarah Dr Grant funded researcher level A School of PCES Wegener Kate Dr Lecturer, Level B School of Biological Sciences Wei Yunle (Eddie) Dr Postdoc (LevelA) School of PCES Weng Wenle Dr DECRA Fellow School of PCES Wescombe-Down Helena Ms Project Manager / EA to Andre Luiten IPAS Whelan Fiona Dr Ramsay Fellow School of Biological Sciences Whitaker-Lockwood Josh Mr Student, Masters School of PCES White Ben Mr Student, PhD School of PCES Wiederman Steven A/Prof ARC Future Fellow School of Biomedicine Williams Owen Dr Visiting Research Fellow School of PCES Willis Megan Miss Student, PhD School of Animal & Veterinary Sciences Wilske Cornelia Dr Research Associate (Level A) School of PCES Wilson Danny Dr Senior Research Fellow School of Biological Sciences Withayachumnankul Withawat Prof Professor School of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Wu Ka Dr Research Associate (Level A) School of PCES Xiang Lei Dr Postdoc (Level A) School of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Xue Yuyang Mr Student, PhD School of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Yang Mingze Mr Student, PhD School of Medical Sciences Yin Ling A/Prof Associate Professor (Level D) School of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Yool Andrea Prof Professor (Level E) School of Biomedicine Yuen Nicole Ms DST graduate program School of PCES Yuwono Eunice Ms Student, Masters School of Computer & Mathematical Sciences Zadow Meghan Miss Student, Masters School of Biological Sciences Zeng Weikun Dr Postdoc (Level B) School of Chemical Engineering Zhao Zichu Mr Student, PhD School of Chemical Engineering Zhou Xiting Ms Student, PhD School of Chemical Engineering