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Dr Cornelia Wilske

[Read more about Dr Cornelia Wilske]

Jillian Moffatt - the journey from laboratory to prototype

Over the past five years, part of the Novel Fluorescence team in the Environmental Luminescence group at IPAS have moved from analysing previously unknown fluorescence characteristics of minerals, to developing a prototype cross-belt sensor for mining after winning two grants from CRC ORE. Analysing this process gives useful information and advice on the pre-commercialisation journey from laboratory discovery to designing a useful product.

[Read more about Jillian Moffatt - the journey from laboratory to prototype]

Alexei Ciobanu - Modelling circulating cavity fields using the discrete linear canonical transform

[Read more about Alexei Ciobanu - Modelling circulating cavity fields using the discrete linear canonical transform]

Dr Jiawen Li - Ultrathin multimodal endoscopic probes

[Read more about Dr Jiawen Li - Ultrathin multimodal endoscopic probes]

STEM MATTERS - Research Engagement workshop

[Read more about STEM MATTERS - Research Engagement workshop]

IPAS/Oz Grav Outreach Presentation

[Read more about IPAS/Oz Grav Outreach Presentation]

Georgios Tsminis - From the basement to the stars: a brief overview of making sensors for Space

[Read more about Georgios Tsminis - From the basement to the stars: a brief overview of making sensors for Space]


The SA Branch of the Australian Institute of Physics (AIP) and the Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing (IPAS) invite you to the 2021 AIP/IPAS Physics Industry Night!

[Read more about CANCELED! AIP/IPAS Industry Night]

Lu Peng - High resolution distributed sensing using exposed-core fibres.

[Read more about Lu Peng - High resolution distributed sensing using exposed-core fibres.]

A/P Tony Hooker

[Read more about A/P Tony Hooker]

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