Interesting Things You Can Do In The Novel Fluorescence Laboratory

The Novel Fluorescence Team in the Prescott Environmental Luminescence Laboratories investigates under-studied fluorescence regimes to find novel sensing solutions for natural materials. The fluorescence instrumentation located in B77 also provides diagnostic capability for synthetic samples. In this seminar, interesting case studies from the lab are discussed, highlighting instrument capabilities and the problem-solving solutions of the Novel Fluorescence Team.


Dr Jillian Moffatt majored in physics, and completed Honours and Masters with the Prescott Environmental Luminescence Laboratory, studying dosimetric properties of glasses and luminescence dating of quartz sands. Jillian completed her PhD in 2020, studying fluorescence signatures of minerals and their applicability to real-time mineral identification. Since then, her research has focused on fluorescence identification of minerals, including projects such as the Fluorine Mineral Sensor, Speciation of Feldspars, and Mineral Identification for Lunar Missions.

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