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IPAS Photonics and Pizza Night, 6 Oct, 5-7PM

Are you looking for a Summer, Honours or Masters Project? Interested in Optics and Photonics? Or just like FREE PIZZA? Please join us for an evening celebrating the great work being undertaken in this field at the Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing (IPAS).
[Read more about IPAS Photonics and Pizza Night, 6 Oct, 5-7PM]
IPAS/AIP Photonics Industry Night
On Thursday 11 August from 6-8.30 PM, the Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing (IPAS) and the Australian Institute of Physics (AIP) will proudly co-host the Physics Industry Night 2022.
QuantX Labs made news headline

Congratulations to QuantX Labs for being successfully awarded $1m to develop the most precise and compact atomic clock in space. The funds will help QuantX and IPAS to boost commercialisation of the space clock over the next two years.
IPAS members win over 2.8M from ARC Discovery Projects
Congratulations to all IPAS members who was successfully awarded ARC Discovery Projects. IPAS was so proud to be awarded 6 out of 22 projects from the University of Adelaide during this round.
[Read more about IPAS members win over 2.8M from ARC Discovery Projects]
IPAS Deputy Director awarded 2021 University Award for outstanding achievement
Congratulations to Prof Heike Ebendorff-Heidepriem for being awarded Excellence in Research Award: An award for an academic staff, one of the selected categories of 2021 University Awards for Outstanding Achievement.
[Read more about IPAS Deputy Director awarded 2021 University Award for outstanding achievement]
IPAS members awarded 2021 Future Making Fellowship

Congratulations to IPAS members, Katharina Richter, Danny Wilson and Cheryl Law for being awarded the University Future Making Fellowship Scheme 2021. IPAS was so proud to have 3 out of 11 fellowships awarded at this round.
[Read more about IPAS members awarded 2021 Future Making Fellowship ]