IPAS Shines at ANZOS Awards 2023

IPAS members were honoured to be awarded 3 ANZOS prizes at Old Parliament House during the ANZCOP-AIP Summer meeting on Wednesday 6th December.
ANZOS John Love Award
The Rubidium Optical Clock Team comprised of Dr Sarah Scholten, Dr Chris Perrella, Emily Ahern, Dr Nicolas Bourbeau Hebert, Dr Clayton Locke, and Professor Andre Luiten have been developing clock technologies that are not only capable of providing independent and assured timing signals in GPS-denied environments but also to deliver signals that out-perform timing derived from GPS by many orders of magnitude.
ANZOS Geoff Opat Early Career Research Prize
Congratulations to Dr Sarah Scholten, recognised for her exceptional contributions to the field of optics and photonics, pioneering breakthroughs in precision measurement. Sarah was also awarded the SA Women in Innovation Prize for Science last month.
ANZOS Mid-Career Research Prize
Congratulations to Dr Chris Perrella, recognised for his academic achievement, leadership and service as an optical scientist pushing the limits with high-resolution atomic spectroscopy.
Both Sarah and Chris, outstanding researchers in their own right, extend their impact beyond the lab by actively contributing to the optics community through impactful outreach initiatives and the development of new technologies with real-world impact.