Detection of small deviations in magnetic field is extremely useful in many applications, including: medical, for detection of fluctuating magnetic fields in the heart or brain; defence, for passive magnetic anomaly detection and navigation; and geology, for geomagnetic surveys.
We are developing small, all-optical, atomic magnetometers based on the Non-linear Magneto-Optical Rotation (NMOR) technique. By using an appropriately tuned and modulated laser it is possible to sample the Larmor frequency of a collection of atoms, which, in turn, is determined by the local magnetic field. These magnetometers have demonstrated sensitivity at the femtoTesla level, which compares very well with current technologies. In addition, these sensors can be easily miniaturised and fibre coupled, making it an extremely convenient platform for application in the field.
For Postdoctoral, Honours, Masters and PhD opportunities, please contact Prof. Andre Luiten for more information.