Quantum Nanophotonics

Welcome to the Quantum Nanophotonics (QNP) Group in the Physics department at the University of Adelaide. We work at the interface of condensed matter—aka solid-state physics, and quantum optics. 

Image of a semiconductor chip

Our research includes

  • The development of semiconductor and superconductor-based quantum materials;
  • the integration of these materials into discrete devices or structures;
  • the characterisation of these devices;
  • and even a bit of devices implementation in proof-of-concept systems. 

What Does This Mean? 

We focus on quantum optics and quantum photonics experiments based on nanostructures. These nanostructures are made from semiconductor materials—often artificially structured “quantum” materials. The optics experiments include low-temperature optical spectroscopy of quantum nanostructures, making and testing semiconductor lasers, and making quantum lights sources. And finally, we use these quantum devices in simple, proof-of-principle system.

The Labs

Our Team

Prof Glenn Solomon in Quantum Lab

Professor Glenn Solomon

Department of Physics, School of Physical Sciences
Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing (IPAS)
The University of Adelaide, AUSTRALIA 5005
Email: glenn.solomon@adelaide.edu.au

Researcher Profile

  • Dr Satya Undurti - Postdoctoral Researcher
  • Tim Wohlers-Reichel - MSc - Research Technician
  • Dr Mikhail Patrashin - Postdoctoral Researcher

  • Jamie McInnes - PhD Candidate
  • Nicole Yuen - PhD Candidate
  • Declan Gossink - MPhil Candidate
  • Josiah Hsi - MPhil Candidate
  • Sammi Summerford - Undergraduate Honours Student
  • Jacob Charvetto - Undergraduate Honours Student