
Together, let's make history

Are you driven to guide and inspire a world-changing new generation of leaders? Or shape the future through groundbreaking research? Would you like to know your exceptional professional skills are supporting work of global impact? If you have the talent, we'll give you the opportunity. Together, let's make history.

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Latest impact stories



Harnessing AI to revolutionise endometriosis diagnosis

An interdisciplinary research team are using ground-breaking AI technologies to make the historically fraught process of endometriosis diagnosis faster, more cost-effective, and less invasive with IMAGENDO®. 



Restoring lost reefs: bringing oysters back from extinction

With ‘ocean music’ and a multi-species approach, University of Adelaide research is helping restore reefs crucial to the recovery of lost ecosystems.



Breast cancer breakthroughs: dual innovations spark hope

Two breakthrough treatments from the University of Adelaide are set to reduce harmful side effects and boost survival rates for the most common cancer found in women: breast cancer.


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