Support Services

On-campus childcare facilities are available at our North Terrace and Waite campuses, with full-time, part-time and occasional care provided Monday to Friday throughout the year.
Please note that the centres are closed on public holidays and during the Christmas/New Year break, and lengthy waiting lists may apply.
Counselling services
We support our staff through a complementary and confidential counselling service. Employee assistance services provides support to staff experiencing personal difficulties at work or home.
Disability support
The University of Adelaide is committed to building and supporting a diverse and inclusive community, and to the principles of equal opportunity and social justice. To find out more, view our disability action plan.
To help you settle in as quickly as possible, you will participate in a comprehensive University induction. Visit our induction web page for more information.
The University Library is an outstanding resource, with much of its material available to staff. The Library is comprised of five sites:
- Barr Smith Library, North Terrace campus
- Music Collection, Barr Smith Library, North Terrace campus
- Law Library, Ligertwood Building, North Terrace campus
- Roseworthy Campus Library, Roseworthy Campus
- Waite Library, Waite Campus, Urrbrae.
A range of University parking permit options are available for permanent staff, or staff on a contract of three months or more. Various permit categories apply, depending on applicants’ positions and personal needs, and fees can be paid automatically as part of salary packaging. Please note, however, that there’s generally a waiting list for permits to be used on and around the North Terrace campus. Visit our parking website for more information.
Our security services team provides a safe campus environment for all staff, students and visitors to the University. They provide readily available information on how to report a crime, protect your personal property and deal with various emergency situations.
They also offer a night shuttle/escort service and self-defence classes, and oversee our emergency management plan and lost/found property.
Shuttle bus service
Adelaide operates a free shuttle bus service for staff and students throughout the academic year. The service includes:
- an inter-campus shuttle service
- out-of-hours services to areas within 2.5km of the city centre
- a Roseworthy-campus-to-Gawler commuter bus
- a Roseworthy-to-Gawler weekend, public holiday and after-hours service.
Visit our campus services website for more information.
News Corp subscription
University of Adelaide staff benefit from a free News Corp digital subscription which covers online access to The Australian, The Advertiser and Sunday Mail (adelaidenow) and other News Corp news sites.
Learn more about staff services
Visit our staff website for more information about the many services on offer to University staff.