Foundations in Plant Science
Resources for Foundations in Plant Science II - for more information about the course, please see course outlines.
In 2024, the MLC gave a workshop to students in Foundations of Plant Science. There was a presentation, and some activities involving a set of data cards showing imaginary carnivorous plants, and activities involving a set of cards showing hypothesis tests pictorially.
- Talking about statistics presentation slides (PowerPoint)
- Thirteen common hypothesis tests cards (PDF)
- Carnivorous plant data cards (PDF)
- Carnivorous plant axis labels (PDF)
- Carnivorous plant data (Excel)
In 2021, the MLC gave a workshop to students in a different course called Science or Fiction about how to choose a good way to display your data using graphs. You may find it useful. It involved a set of data cards showing superhero films and several sets of data in Excel.
- Superhero film dataset (Excel)
- Superhero film data cards (PDF)
- Powerpoint presentation (PowerPoint)
- Video of the presentation (YouTube)
- Datasets used in the presentation (Excel)
- Datasets with graphs created in the presentation (Excel)
David from the MLC made a video in 2023 about how to make Excel do a 2-way ANOVA with post-hoc tests and graphs.