News: space
Pills face harshest space test yet

A batch of pills will be on its way into space where they will be placed on the outside of the International Space Station (ISS) to test how they withstand the full effects of zero gravity, extreme temperatures and some of the highest levels of radiation found beyond the Earth’s atmosphere.
Scientists part of resource mission to the Moon

University of Adelaide researchers are part of a consortium which is sending nanosatellites and exploration sensors to the Moon to search for abundant, accessible water and resources.
[Read more about Scientists part of resource mission to the Moon]
Space research centre renamed after Australian astronaut

The Andy Thomas Centre for Space Resources is the new title for the University of Adelaide centre spearheading how to optimise the sustainable use of off-Earth resources.
[Read more about Space research centre renamed after Australian astronaut]
Testing time for pills in space

Pills are being sent into space to test how they cope with the rigours of one of the harshest environments known.
Design facility pushes innovation boundaries

A new design facility, located at the University of Adelaide, will offer organisations and individuals a space in which to push the boundaries of technical, industrial and business innovation.
[Read more about Design facility pushes innovation boundaries]
Glimpse into the future with space makers

Join the leaders of the University of Adelaide’s internationally recognised Centre for Sustainable Planetary and Space Resources for an awe-inspiring glimpse into a future that’s literally out of this world.
World leading experts to spearhead $20m of vital space sector R&D investment by SmartSat CRC

In a $20m investment, nine Professorial Chairs have been established by SmartSat and its partner universities in artificial intelligence, optical communications and cybersecurity for development of next generation space technologies to stimulate Australia’s economic growth in space.
Centre to unlock future of space exploration

A new centre at the University of Adelaide will focus on solving the challenge of making long-term space exploration viable.
[Read more about Centre to unlock future of space exploration]
Check ANGELS before launching into space

Entrepreneurs working in the expanding Australian space industry now have access to online guidance about the legal and regulatory framework which applies to their activities on Earth and in space.