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When it’s ‘lawful but awful’: an integrity commission for rich Australia
Attorney-general Mark Dreyfus spoke last week about a commonwealth integrity commission. One of the issues that will face such a commission is whether pork barrelling will come under its purview.
[Read more about When it’s ‘lawful but awful’: an integrity commission for rich Australia]
Repairing Australia’s integrity: reform priorities after the 2022 federal election
Integrity was a deciding issue in the 2022 federal election campaign. Will this be a turning point for citizen trust and Australia’s reputation, after Australia’s
fall on Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index to its lowest point ever?
The Morrison Government’s inability to produce a suitable model for a federal anti-corruption commission in 2018-22 proved pivotal in tipping Australians to
change the government, but what next for that reform, and what else is needed to arrest our sliding national integrity performance and restore public trust?
[Read more about Repairing Australia’s integrity: reform priorities after the 2022 federal election]