Hugh Stretton Oration 2023
On Thursday the 27th of April, the Stretton Institute hosted the Hugh Stretton Oration 2023 with the Hon Mark Butler MP, Minister for Health and Aged Care as orator.
Hugh Stretton's passionate concerns were about fairness and equity. This plays out in population change and ageing. Like most of the developed world Australia has an ageing population. The Minister examined the impact of the increase in Australians’ life expectancy over time and the achievement’s resultant touchpoints across policy and politics.
The Oration also included responses from Professor Renuka Visvanathan, Head of Unit of the Aged & Extended Care Services at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, and Ms Divya Narayan, a recent law graduate and lead researcher on the 2022 South Australian Law Reform Institute report on the safeguarding of vulnerable older people.
To read the transcript of The Hugh Stretton Oration spoken by Minister Butler, click here.
The Orator: The Hon Mark Butler MP
Mark Butler graduated from the University of Adelaide with degrees in Law and Arts. He also has an MA in International Relations. He has been a Labor Member of Federal Parliament since 2007 and is the Minister for Health and Aged Care.
Mark served as Minister for Ageing and Australia’s first Minister for Mental Health in the Gillard Government. He has also held the ministries of Housing, Homelessness, Social Inclusion, Climate Change, Water and the Environment.
He has long been a champion for society’s most vulnerable, and was a member of the South Australian Social Inclusion Board during its major review of the South Australian mental health system.
Mark is the author of Advanced Australia – The Politics of Ageing, published in 2015; and Climate Wars, published in 2017.

Left to right: Professor Adam Graycar, The Hon Mark Butler MP, Deputy Vice-Chancellor External Engagement Dr Jessica Gallagher, and Professor Peter Høj AC, Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Adelaide.