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‘Grave misconduct’: Gladys Berejiklian corruption report should put all public officials on notice
When an anti-corruption agency issues a 688-page report with findings a former premier engaged in “serious corrupt conduct” and breached the public’s trust, it puts all public officials on notice.
Hugh Stretton Oration 2023

On Thursday the 27th of April, the Stretton Institute hosted the Hugh Stretton Oration 2023 with the Hon Mark Butler MP, Minister for Health and Aged Care as orator.
After a decade of decline, Australia is back on the rise in a global anti-corruption ranking
Just months after Australia legislated to establish the long-anticipated National Anti-Corruption Agency, our standing is back on the rise in Transparency International’s annual Global Corruption Perceptions Index . This is a small but important turn-around following a decade of steady decline.
The Robodebt scheme failed tests of lawfulness, impartiality, integrity and trust
The Robodebt royal commission is currently hearing evidence of tremendous hardship inflicted on people by a government that appeared to have little concern for the people its actions affected.
[Read more about The Robodebt scheme failed tests of lawfulness, impartiality, integrity and trust]
‘We felt like we’re nothing’: increasing voting among Australians experiencing homelessness
At every federal election, there is a moment when election-watchers turn their attention to the seat of Eden-Monaro in New South Wales. Between 1972 and 2013, the party that formed government won Eden-Monaro.
Australians are tired of lies in political advertising. Here’s how it can be fixed
Our voting choices are only authentic if our decisions are informed by truthful information. That condition is now increasingly elusive.
[Read more about Australians are tired of lies in political advertising. Here’s how it can be fixed]
Australia and New Zealand have a golden opportunity to build stronger ties in the Pacific – but will they take it?
The Pacific Islands Forum leaders’ meeting hosted by Fiji last week was the first to be held in person since 2019. Following a particularly challenging period, it was an opportunity for leaders to reconnect and agree to the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent.
South Australia: the Democracy State?

On 8 November 2023 Professors Adam Graycar and Alan Reid presented a seminar to the Australian Study of Parliament Group (ASPG). Entitled South Australia: the Democracy State?, the seminar was held in Parliament House, Adelaide.
Sussan Ley says she is listening to women who rejected the Liberals. But will she hear what they are saying?
Sussan Ley, deputy leader of the Liberal Party and shadow minister for women, has been given a difficult task: bring women voters back to the Liberal Party.
Amplifying narratives about the ‘China threat’ in the Pacific may help China achieve its broader aims
Yet more proposed Chinese “security agreements” in the Pacific Islands have been leaked.