Study Abroad and Exchange
For domestic students wishing to experience life and study at an overseas institution on a short-term basis, two main options are currently available:
Exchange (outbound)
Where the University of Adelaide has a formal exchange agreement with an external institution, tuition fees are waived by the host institution. Students remain enrolled at the University of Adelaide, pay their fees directly to the University of Adelaide, and can experience life and study overseas for either one or two semesters or Summer or Winter School.
For further information and details about undertaking an Exchange, please visit the Study Overseas website.
Domestic students may also be eligible for financial assistance: please see our OS-HELP page for further information.
Short programs (outbound)
Where a formal exchange agreement between an external institution and the University of Adelaide does not exist, students can still elect to study at an external institution. Fees are paid directly to the selected institution, and students are not enrolled at the University of Adelaide during their study abroad.
For further information about this option, please visit our Study Overseas website.