Non-Award Study

The University of Adelaide offers a range of courses that are available for study on a non-award basis.

Non-award study is a great way to find out what university study is like. As a non-award student you attend lectures and tutorials, and are assessed and examined with students who are completing undergraduate degrees. You may or may not be presently enrolled in a University degree course, and may wish to undertake assessment for interest, or to obtain credit points toward a current or future qualification.

Applications can be submitted at any time for the current academic year, but should not be submitted prior to the publishing of course offerings.

To be ready to enrol before teaching starts, applications should be submitted well ahead of and no later than 1 week prior to classes starting for the relevant teaching period. Teaching period dates can be found at Important University Dates.

Late applications will be considered on a case by case basis and, if approved, may require students to follow the Late Enrolment process.

Find your course/s

All available University of Adelaide courses can be found by searching Course Planner. You should note the critical details, i.e. course code and name, e.g. MATHS 1011 Mathematics 1A. You will also find applicable fees here.

You should also note if the course has any prerequisites and/or restrictions. 

Organise your supporting documents/evidence

If the course/s you wish to take has any prerequisites and/or restrictions, you may not be eligible to take the course. However, if you feel your academic background/status meets any criteria, you will need to submit supporting documentation with your application. This would usually be an academic transcript showing the details of your any prior/current study, with results.

If you have communicated directly with the Course Coordinator of the University of Adelaide course/s and have sought their advice/approval, you should attach this correspondence also.

Law overseas practitioners need only to provide their letter of assessment from the Law Society of South Australia (see information below).

Applications for non-award study without appropriate evidence will not be processed.

If you are approved for non-award study at the University of Adelaide, you will receive an approval email at the address provided in your application. You will also receive a University of Adelaide identification number, and instructions on how to activate your account.

You will then be responsible for enrolling yourself in the approved course/s. Information on how to enrol can be found on the University’s enrolment website. You are also responsible for unenrolling if you change your mind about studying – you should note the relevant Critical Dates regarding enrolment and fee liability, detailed at Important University Dates.

Non-award students enrol in University of Adelaide courses and any studies taken will be recorded on an official University of Adelaide transcript, which can be ordered via Ask Adelaide at the conclusion of study.

Non-award students will have access to online and library resources necessary for their studies. However, non-award students do not hold a place in any University program and are not guaranteed a place in any program should they apply.

Conditions of admission

Non-award students are subject to the same Statutes, Regulations, Rules and Policies and Student Charter as apply to students enrolled in an award course at the University of Adelaide.  These Statutes, Regulations, Rules and Policies and Student Charter relate to attendance at classes, performance or work, discipline, conduct and progress and are to be found in the University’s publications, including (but not limited to) the following websites:

If a non-award student is subsequently admitted to a program leading to an award at the University of Adelaide, courses passed while enrolled on a non-award basis may only be counted towards an award if specifically approved by the relevant Faculty or School.

International applicants

International non-award applicants are required to meet the same standards of English proficiency as international students seeking admission to academic programs at the University of Adelaide, and be proficient in speaking, reading, listening to, and writing English.

For full details please visit

Fees and invoices

Domestic students undertaking non-award study are Fee-Paying students. All fee-paying students are issued an invoice in MyAdelaide for each study period in which they enrol. Please visit our Payments page for more information.

Overseas Law Practitioners may be eligible for Bridging FEE-HELP – please visit StudyAssist for more information.

For full information on fees and invoices, visit Student Finance.


If you wish to withdraw from your non-award course, you must drop the course online at Access Adelaide before the relevant census date. Failure to do so will incur charges and possible system generated result e.g. Withdraw Fail. Information on census dates for courses in teaching sessions, as well as Withdraw No Fail dates and other critical dates is available at Important University Dates.

Law courses are not available for non-award study, unless you hold an overseas qualification and have been advised to undertake further academic study as a result of an assessment by the Law Society of South Australia.

In this case, applicants must include their letter of assessment with their non-award application. For more information, including a list of relevant Law courses, please visit Future Students.