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MyAdelaide release 3: student finance
Students can now view account balance and summary information, access account payment information, update their TFN and their view CHESSN, USI and Commonwealth Assistance Eligibility Status.
New service management system launching soon

The implementation offers significant improvements in the way we manage IT service faults and requests across the University using automation, machine learning and intelligent performance analytics.
[Read more about New service management system launching soon]
New customer experience
We are going on a journey to improve your customer experience.
Keeping your data and systems safe

New ways to protect University systems and information coming soon: Global Protect virtual private network and multi-factor authentication of HR systems
ServiceNow is coming!
From Vision to Value: Making it easier for the University to focus on learning and research
MyAdelaide latest release

Students can now generate and print full year enrolment confirmation letters for Centrelink.
New features in MyAdelaide
From May 2021 students can access information about their studies, view and edit student and emergency contact details and expected program completion, and print enrolment letters.
MyAdelaide: A new digital experience for students in 2021

MyAdelaide release 1 is coming up in the first week of April 2021. This release will offer a new look and a rich mobile experience for students wanting to see personalised class and exam timetables, as well as academic results. Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students will be able to manage their candidature, including milestones, progress, candidature and supervisor information.
[Read more about MyAdelaide: A new digital experience for students in 2021]