Digital Future
A Technology Strategy for today, tomorrow and the future...
Knowledge and the flow of information are key to what a university does – and while wisdom and ideas are powered by people, the processes, technology and information need to be in place to support our vital work.
Technology and information are fundamental to what our University does each day in fostering learning and increasing our knowledge about the world. The digital domain and its new technologies will help us to deliver the twenty-first century education that is both expected and needed for our growing community of learners.
Digital Future, our technology strategy, is our plan to ensure that the University of Adelaide has the technology solutions it needs for the journey ahead: to 2025 and beyond. Linked with the University’s strategic plan, Future Making, it not only captures the current needs of our University community, but also positions us to meet the challenges, opportunities and growth to come. An exciting future is ahead of us.
Download our technology strategy – Digital Future – by following the download link, or explore the strategy via the links below. University of Adelaide staff can also find out more about some of what is coming up, on our technology initiatives page.
Explore the Technology Enablers that support Future Making in more detail, and find out more about what comes next

The formulation of the University’s Technology Strategy has been led by the Strategy Planning and Governance team in the University’s Information Technology and Digital Services branch, with extensive consultation and collaboration across the University. Feel free to contact us at or for University staff, get in touch with one of the key contacts for your area here.