Relationship Management & Community Engagement
Enhanced relationship management and marketing capabilities to support productive and valued relationships with internal and external stakeholders and promote our research and learning services
Harnessing the power of our local, national and global relationships, and our world-class reputation

Point of View
Universities exist in a complex and interconnected global environment of ever shrinking distances, virtual venues, non-centralised institutions and an increasingly information-based economy.
A University’s ability to leverage its reputation, ranking and relationships is key to attracting and retaining students, researchers, staff and industry partners, how it interacts with and is perceived by its local, national and the global community, and ultimately to its ability to achieve its educational and research mission.
In the 21st century the ability of a university to engage effectively, both internally and more crucially with the outside world, is essential to sustainable growth.
What does the future look like?
- The University has a holistic data-driven view of each student as they progress from prospective student, to current student, and on to alumni, and then as lifelong learners returning to the University.
- Our relationship management capability allows us to support current and future students, professional and academic staff, researchers, industry partners, alumni, titleholders and donors. It also supports the management of relationships internal and external to the University for partnerships, research engagements, industry services and future collaborations.
- When industry partners and external stakeholders contact the University, whoever they speak to is able to help them directly or to connect them with the right person. We have developed a consolidated view of internal, local, national and international relationships across a range of cohorts including students, researchers, staff, and external stakeholders, enabling more personalised, effective and co-ordinated communication, marketing, recruitment, and other activities and events for our rich global community.
- We leverage our knowledge so international alumni feel connected with our University community and have a part to play in its future, no matter where they are globally.
- Stakeholder-facing teams across the University can leverage the readily accessible, searchable and relevant information and insights at an individual and cohort level to better anticipate the needs of students, researchers and other internal and external stakeholders at every interaction.
- Data from external sources such as LinkedIn is combined with university-sourced data to provide a richer source of relationship information.
- Insights on our expanded community of talent, including affiliates, honorary titleholders, volunteers and supporters, helps combine our strengths to best achieve our goals.
Pictured above: McLeod House, Waite Hub. The Waite Hub offers a relaxing place for students to meet, study, make social connections, exchange ideas and access technology services and support. Photo: Sam Noonan/Ashley Halliday Architects

“Our rich information about students, researchers and other stakeholders enables personalisation of communications and services matched to their individual needs and preferences.”
“As an alumni I have confidence that the university remembers me and my time there, and has a good understanding of where my life has taken me since leaving.”
“As a benefactor to the university I never feel pressured, and opportunities are provided to me with sensitivity for who I am, and my aspirations for my legacy.”