For authorised staff or research students on personally owned computers, who already have the software installed on a University owned machine.
Please read and accept the tems and conditions below:
Terms and conditions of home use
The University of Adelaide ("Licensee") has licensed specific software from QSR International Pty Ltd ("Licensor"). By installing and using the Software, you (an Authorised End User) agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement ("Agreement"). If you do not agree nor sign to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you must not install or use the Software.
- Authorised end users using this software on personally owned, or leased workstations do so at their own risk.The University of Adelaide will not accept any responsibility or liability for any consequential damage or lost data resulting from the use of this software. The University of Adelaide recommends that users scan software media or download files for viruses prior to installation.
- Authorised end users undertake to comply with copyright laws. Severe penalties apply to persons who do not comply with software licence provisions and authorised end users are referred to http://www.adelaide.edu.au/policies and, in particular, the Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy.
- The software is to be used for University of Adelaide work purposes. The authorised end user is not permitted to access this Software for consultancy or services leading to commercial exploitation of the Software (Note: 'commercial exploitation' is the use of the Software for monetary gain either by the institution or an individual).
- Duplication, separation of components, distribution or transfer of the Software in any form, reverse engineering, de-compiling, translation, modification, broadcasting, dissemination, or creation of derivative works from the Software is strictly prohibited.
- Authorised end users agree to delete any copies of the Software in their control on termination of the NVivo Site Wide Licence agreement, termination of enrolment, employment or association with the University of Adelaide, or when requested to do so, for any reason, by QSR International Pty Ltd or the University of Adelaide, whichever occurs first.
- Termination of the NVivo Site Wide Licence Agreement, will be advised on the Software Management Services web site at https://www.adelaide.edu.au/technology/your-services/software and it is the responsibility of authorised end users to check notifications along with specific details of the University's licensing arrangements.
- The authorised end user must notify Information Technology and Digital Services by email (servicedesk@adelaide.edu.au) of any change of details noted on this Agreement.
- Authorised end users undertake to comply with any audit provisions of the NVivo Site Wide Licence Agreement.