Welcome to Country Enquiry

A Welcome to Country is a formal process which publicly recognises the Traditional Owners and Custodians of a given area and welcomes visitors to their country.

All three campuses of the University of Adelaide sit on Kaurna Land, and thus it is appropriate for a Welcome to be performed by Kaurna people who have both the authority and respect within their community. Our Cultural Advisor is available for Welcome to Country for University of Adelaide or external events.

Find out more

Contact details

Event details

Service fee

The standard fee for a Welcome to Country is outlined below:
  • University of Adelaide Events - $250.00
  • External Events - $275.00 (incl. GST)
Invoice details
University of Adelaide journal details

Please note that there may be additional fees for transport if the event is held outside business hours; however, you will be notified of this at the time of booking.

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