Postgraduate Study

Postgraduate coursework
A Master or Graduate Diploma/Certificate can help you achieve your goals by elevating your qualifications, enhancing your skills and building on your knowledge base. The University of Adelaide offers a range of programs to cater for increasing industry and business requirements, for professional development or career change.
There is a number of support available for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander postgraduate coursework students, including scholarship options, academic mentoring and dedicated Student Support Officers.
Higher Degree by Research (HDR)
The University of Adelaide is committed to strengthening our research diversity through empowering and encouraging our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to pursue a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) pathway and apply their unique perspectives and experiences to local, national, and global questions.
Wirltu Yarlu supports our postgraduate research students to connect with world-renowned research centres and researchers. Student Support Officers also provide tailored academic and cultural supports. For more information, please contact the Adelaide Graduate Research School, or Wirltu Yarlu directly.
Follow your passion and work hard. Use those two things to your advantage and find your career based on what you care about and what aligns with your identity as a person. The University can help you do that.
A PhD is a big undertaking, requiring lots of dedication. I’m really pleased that I’ve graduated, and now I move straight into my new role where I can use my degree to try to help my community with something important to me, to my identity as a cancer researcher and as an Aboriginal Person.

Dr Justine Clark, Adnyamathanha woman
PhD graduate – Post-Doctoral Researcher in Indigenous Genomics
For more information
Adelaide Graduate Research School
Level 10, Schulz Building
The University of Adelaide
Phone: +61 8 8313 5882
Wirltu Yarlu
Level 1, Schulz Building
The University of Adelaide
Phone: +61 8 8313 3623