News: Reconciliation

Sea of hands

Sea of hands

As a University, we are reflecting on the meaningful action we can take and the change we can influence as part of our reconciliation journey.

[Read more about Sea of hands]

Portrait honours Aboriginal leader

Uncle Rod & his portrait

As part of National Reconciliation Week, a new portrait has been unveiled in the Barr Smith Library of Uncle Rodney (Rod) O’Brien, respected Kaurna Elder and Cultural Advisor at the University of Adelaide.

[Read more about Portrait honours Aboriginal leader ]

Ngadlu Padninthi Kumangka - We Walk Together

The Faculty of the Professions commissioned this mural in the spirit of reconciliation.

[Read more about Ngadlu Padninthi Kumangka - We Walk Together]

Reconciliation Silk Painting

The Reconciliation Silk Painting was created on 7 May 2015 by students and staff from throughout the University of Adelaide.

[Read more about Reconciliation Silk Painting]

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