Login Current: Home AMEB Student Accompanist Prize If a student accompanist is under 18 years old, this form must be filled in by a parent/guardian. Applications are due a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the exam in which the student will be providing accompaniment. Student accompanist's full name Phone number Address Email Piano teacher's full name Teacher of Candidate to be accompanied in an AMEB exam Full name Phone number Email Teacher’s statement (please upload a statement from the teacher addressing the issues outlined in the prize rules) One file only.20 MB limit.Allowed types: pdf, gif, jpeg, png, zip. Information relating to the candidate to be accompanied in an AMEB exam Full name Instrument Exam key Please outline the names of pieces and composers of the works that require accompaniment? Other supporting documentation Please note regarding the exams below – one must have been completed within the past 3 years. 1. Proof of successful completion of an AMEB Grade 6 or above practical exam (upload PDF) One file only.20 MB limit.Allowed types: pdf, gif, jpeg, png, zip. 2. Proof of successful completion of an AMEB Grade 3 or above theory exam (upload PDF) One file only.20 MB limit.Allowed types: pdf, gif, jpeg, png, zip. 3. Proof of successful completion of another AMEB practical or theory exam (upload PDF) One file only.20 MB limit.Allowed types: pdf, gif, jpeg, png, zip. 4. Digital copy of the full piano scores to be used in the exam (upload PDF) One file only.20 MB limit.Allowed types: pdf, gif, jpeg, png, zip. 5. A completed copy of the APRA Copyright Declaration Form One file only.20 MB limit.Allowed types: pdf, gif, jpeg, png, zip. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.