There are up to 50 prizes awarded each year to successful AMEB SA & NT candidates.
Some of these prizes are offered in partnership with other affiliated organisations (who may sponsor and/or provide adjudication for a prize).
Some prizes are funded by AMEB, and some through funds bequeathed to AMEB.
General grade prizes are offered in collaboration with retail sponsors.
AMEB SA & NT prizes
View the published prize rules or eligibility criteria in the table below. Each year, prizes are generally awarded as part of the AMEB SA & NT Graduation and Awards Ceremony.
Prize list
Type Name Value Subject area Rules/Eligibility Prize The Jean Adelaide Madeline Dent Prize $2800 Violin The Jean Adelaide Madeline Dent Prize rules Prize The Thelma Dent AMEB Prize $2700 Piano The Thelma Dent AMEB Prize rules Prize The David Merchant Prize (AMEB) $250 Piano The David Merchant Prize (AMEB) rules Award AUSTA String Award
The Australian String Teachers’ Association has made available an Award for a candidate from SA or NT who has successfully presented for an AMEB diploma examination in orchestral strings (Double Bass, Viola, Cello or Violin) and who has completed the co-requisite theory.$250 Strings The recipient shall be determined by the Prizes’ Committee who shall consider the criteria stated below:
Criteria One Award will be available annually to: The best result achieved by a Double Bass candidate in an AMEB Licentiate or Associate examination. In the absence of a successful Double Bass diploma candidate, the best result achieved by a Viola candidate in an AMEB Licentiate or Associate examination. In the absence of a successful Double Bass or Viola diploma candidate, the best result achieved by a Cello candidate in an AMEB Licentiate or Associate examination. In the absence of a successful Double Bass, Viola or Cello diploma candidate, the best result achieved by a Violin candidate in an AMEB Licentiate or Associate examination. The recipient of the award must satisfy the following conditions: (a) The candidate must qualify for the particular award by having completed the co-requisite theory by the 1st November. (b) Where two or more candidates have gained identical results in a particular practical examination, the result of the music theory examination shall be taken into consideration. (c) The candidate should be aged 25 years or under as at 31 December in the year of the Award. (d) The Award may be offered once only to a particular candidate.
Scholarship Grade 7 Scholarships
A scholarship in practical music is offered annually for South Australian Grade 7 AMEB candidates in both traditional and leisure syllabi examined in South Australia.Each Scholarship shall be subject to the conditions in these regulations and be paid in equal installments at the beginning of each year of tenure. The proceeds of the scholarship must be devoted to the winner’s education in the practice of music including the engagement of any teacher or institution, previously approved by the AMEB. Practical proof of such progress may also be required. Failure to pass any AMEB exam, or test, or to present such certificate shall terminate the scholarship.
Traditional Practical Exams
This scholarship is tenable for 3 years and the total value is $660.Leisure Practical Exams
This Grade 7 Scholarship is tenable for 2 years and the total value is $440.Grade 7 AMEB Practical Music Scholarship recipients are chosen from examiners’ reports by the Prizes Committee, on behalf of the the AMEB Advisory Board (SA & NT). Those in the current year obtaining grades A or A+ in Grade 7 practical music, and who by 31 December of that year have also passed the theory co-requisite of their syllabus (refer to Regulation 19 in the current Manual of Syllabuses) shall be eligible for shortlisting for the scholarship, which will be awarded to the candidate showing the greatest musical promise.
Traditional Practical Exams Scholarship holders shall at the end of the first and second years of tenure present a satisfactory certificate of progress and regularity of attendance from their teachers.
Leisure Practical Exams
Scholarship holders shall, at the end of the first year of tenure, present a satisfactory certificate of progress and regularity of attendance from their teachers.Prize Licentiate Prize $650 Licentiate AMEB Practical Music A prize shall be awarded to the best candidate who completes the LMusA practical exam. If the examiners’ reports indicate that no candidate is of outstanding merit, the prize shall lapse for the year. The prize shall not be awarded to the same person more than once, nor to the winner of the Jean Adelaide Dent Prize. Prize Associate Prize $450 Associate AMEB Practical Music A prize shall be awarded to the best candidate who completes the AMusA practical exam. If, in the examiners’ opinion, no candidate is of outstanding merit, the prize shall lapse for the year. The prize shall not be awarded to the same person more than once nor to the winner of the Jean Adelaide Dent Prize Award George Pearce Memorial Award (SA & NT)
The Music Teachers’ Association in managing the George Pearce Memorial Award has made an award in AMEB Piano.$100 Piano • The prize shall be known as the George Pearce Memorial Award and the value of the prize shall be $100 and may be awarded annually by the AMEB Prizes Committee on the results of its AMEB Grade 7 Piano exams if a candidate is of sufficient merit.
• The prize shall not be awarded more than once to the same person and shall not be awarded to a person awarded a Grade 7 Scholarship or any other Grade 7 prize for AMEB Piano in any year.
These Rules may be varied by the Music Teachers’ Association, but the title and purpose will remain the same.
Award AMEB Student Accompanist Prize
An award is offered once a year to acknowledge an AMEB candidate who, in developing his/her own performance skills through the AMEB system has successfully accompanied another candidate in an AMEB exam.
$700 To be eligible candidates must have a minimum of AMEB Grade 6 practical and AMEB Grade 3 Theory and have undertaken a minimum of three AMEB exams, one of which must have been undertaken in the previous three years. Candidates must apply for the award using the online application form and have their parents’ written approval if younger than 18. Feedback from the AMEB examiner and the instrumental teacher will be used by a judging panel of the Accompanists Guild in addition to a full score, to determine the winner at the close of each examining year. The panel will be considering whether the candidate:
• Made him/herself available in a reasonable manner for rehearsals
• Facilitated communication during rehearsals and performances
• Supported the candidate well during performances
• Helped to make the performance a positive experience
• Performed the works well In the case of a tie between two or more student accompanists the candidate having to perform the more challenging work, musically and technically, will be deemed the winner.
Applications are due a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the exam in which the student will be providing accompaniment.
Prize AMEB Grade 2 String Performance AUSTA Prize
Each year AUSTA will sponsor a prize to the cash value of $50 for the most outstanding student in any Comprehensive orchestral string exam in Grade 2 from that year.$50 Grade 2 Strings AUSTA AMEB Examiners will determine the winner from the exam reports of all Comprehensive Grade 2 orchestral string candidates who achieved a High Distinction. The decision will be final and no correspondence entered into. The result will be published with that year’s list of prize winners and announced at the annual Awards Ceremony. Prize AMEB Grade 2 Brass and Woodwind ABODA Prizes
ABODA will sponsor a prize to the cash value of $50 each for the most outstanding student in any comprehensive brass and woodwind comprehensive exam in Grade 2 from that year.$50 Grade 2
Brass & WoodwindThe AMEB Prizes Committee will determine the winner from the exam reports of all Comprehensive Grade 2 brass and woodwind candidates who achieved a high distinction. The decision will be final and no correspondence entered into. The result will be published with that year’s list of prize winners and announced at the annual Awards Ceremony. Prize AMEB Orchestral String Candidate Composition Prize
A prize to the cash value of $100 is offered for the most outstanding student composition performed in any orchestral string examination from that year.$100 The State President (or delegate) AUSTA SA will adjudicate the award across all orchestral string candidate compositions from copies of the music submitted to the AMEB for consideration for this prize and determine the winning composition from a copy of the score. The criteria will include on equal merit:
• Creative use of string techniques
• Tonal qualities that demonstrate string uniqueness
• Structure and artistic qualities of the composition itself.
The decision will be final and no correspondence entered into. The result will be published with the AMEB prize winners and announced at the AMEB Awards Ceremony. If appropriate a performance may be considered at a Showcase concert.
Prize General Grade Prizes
Each year the AMEB joins with various sponsors to award prizes to candidates in various grades of practical and theory music and speech.Various Grade 4 to Certificate of Performance (AMEB Music and Speech practical exams and Rockshool practical exams) Nominations are made by examiners having judged candidates to have demonstrated outstanding ability. The Prizes Committee of the AMEB Advisory Board (SA & NT) will make selections on behalf of the Board. Candidates cannot be awarded a prize more than once in the same grade. If at any time it is deemed by the AMEB to be necessary, a special exam will be held to decide an award.
Financial assistance
The two prizes below are open for application with each examining year (March). Applications close 1 December each year. Those wishing to apply should email the office by 1 December, including the specified supporting documentary evidence. The winners of these prizes are not announced unless permission is granted by the prize winner (or their guardian). All applications remain confidential and identifying information is not provided to the examiners determining prize recipients
Prize list
Type Name Value Subject area Eligibility Prize The Eva Lines Memorial Prize for Piano
$1000 Piano (Regional SA candidate) The Eva Lines Memorial Prize for Piano Rules
Please apply by 1 December using the online application form.
The Regina Rose Memorial Award (SA & NT)
Family and friends of the late Regina Rose have contributed an amount of money to establish this award.
Piano For financially disadvantaged students. Eligible candidates must have:
• Successfully completed AMEB piano exams to a minimum level of Grade 3.
• Demonstrated a strong commitment to the study of the piano by having achieved a minimum B grade in the previous exam.
• Qualified for concessions with a school card or social security concession card.
• Received the teacher’s recommendation for the award.
The awards are available to students in all sessions and presented in confidence, respecting privacy.
Please apply by 1 December using the online application form.