AMEB SA & NT Prize Acceptance Form

To submit this form, you must be 18 years old or older. If the candidate selected for the prize is under 18, then the form must be submitted by a parent or guardian on their behalf.

Prize recipient's details
This is the candidate named as the prize recipient in the prize notification email.
Prize details
Prize value: $700
Prize value: $2800
Prize value: $2700
Prize value: $650
Prize value: $500
Prize value: $1000
Prize value: As advised
Prize value: $50
Prize value: $250
Prize value: $100
Prize value: $50
Prize value: $50
Prize value: $220 per year (tenable for 3 years)
Prize value: $220 per year (tenable for 2 years)
My details
My bank account details

Sign above

Important: Please note that if the prize is funded by the University (and not an external organisation) the payment of the prize can take up to 8 weeks unless the candidate is already a student at the University. This is provided the details above are correct.
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