
Before entering students for examinations, please familiarise yourself with the current AMEB Manual of Syllabuses (or relevant Rockschool syllabus) for the exam requirements, as well as the policies outlined below.

  • Late enrolments policy (and fee)

    A late fee will be applied for late enrolments, which are accepted up to 7 days after the published closing date, unless otherwise specified.

    Enrolments are not accepted beyond the late enrolment closing date.

    Late enrolment fee: $25 fee per candidate 
    (this is automatically applied if the enrolment is made via SCORE)

  • Medical transfer policy (and fees)

    Medical transfers for candidates are free-of-charge provided they are substantiated by a medical certificate. The candidate will be transferred to an appropriate session that has not yet been scheduled, which could include the supplementary exam session at the end of the examining yearTransfers within a session are not permitted.

    If a medical certificate is not provided, a transfer fee will be payable as per the “Non-medical transfers” policy. Candidates transferring to the supplementary exam session for medical reasons but without provision of a medical certificate will be subject to the $85 payable to transfer into this session.

    Please see our Covid-19 page for specific examination advice and guidelines relating to Covid-19.


    How to request a transfer
    All requests must be made in writing (email ameb@adelaide.edu.au) prior to the exam time, even if that is outside business hours or on a weekend, and include:

    1. Candidate name
    2. Enrolment key
    3. Time and date of scheduled exam
    4. When the exam should be moved to (specify session and scheduling requests). The session should be one that has not yet closed for enrolments.
    5. Substantiating evidence is required in order for the transfer fee to be waived. This includes a medical certificate or in the case of Covid-19, evidence of a positive Covid test letter/communication from SA Health (NOT the photo of the RAT result) will suffice. 

    Evidence of inability to present for examination for medical reasons must be received by AMEB SA & NT no later than two weeks after the scheduled exam date, or by the closing date of the session you wish to transfer to, whichever is sooner.

    Transfer requests for medical reasons cannot be submitted after the scheduled exam date and time.

    Once the written request has been sent (and received), the AMEB office will contact you via email to advise of the next steps.

    The transfer will not be processed until the substantiating evidence has been received and will be made to a mutually agreed session. If there is opportunity to fit the candidate into an already-scheduled session, this will be offered by administrative staff. 

  • Non-medical transfer policy (and fees)

    Before enrolling, it is best to consider whether a candidate will be sufficiently prepared for their exam in time for the session, and whether possible interruptions to learning due to COVID-19 can be mitigated or factored into the preparation timeline.

    Any scheduling requests should be submitted at the time of enrolment (e.g. dates that should be avoided when scheduling, such as compulsory school events, days of religious or cultural significance, etc.). The office will also accept changes to scheduling requests (in writing) up to the late enrolment closing date of a session (which is 7 days after the closing date, unless otherwise specified).

    Sometimes there are unforeseen circumstances (see 'Medical transfers', if COVID-related) that can impact on a candidate’s ability to attend a scheduled practical exam. We recognise these can be unavoidable and endeavour to accommodate all transfer requests. However, there is substantial coordination and cost involved in the scheduling of exams, complicated by limitations with examiner availability, venue availability and other administrative processing deadlines. Therefore, payment of a transfer fee is required for any transfers beyond the published late enrolment closing date for the session, and the fee is proportionate to the notice given. 

    How to request a transfer
    All requests must be made in writing (email ameb@adelaide.edu.au) prior to the exam time, even if that is outside business hours or on a weekend, and include:

    1. Candidate name
    2. Enrolment key
    3. Time and date of scheduled exam
    4. When the exam should be moved to (specify session and scheduling requests). The session should be one that has not yet closed for enrolments.

    Once the written request has been sent (and received), please contact the office on 8313 8088 within 2 business days to arrange payment of any applicable fee before the transfer can be actioned. 

    The transfer will be made to a mutually agreed session. If there is opportunity to fit the candidate into an already-scheduled session, this will be offered by administrative staff. The below outlines the applicable transfer fee, which varies according to the notice given.

    Options for transfer
    Scenario Fee 
    7 days (or fewer) prior to the exam 75% of exam fee, capped at $200
    More than 7 days prior to the exam (but after the exam has been scheduled and timetables released) 50% of the exam fee, capped at $150
    BEFORE the exam has been scheduled (i.e. timetables have not yet been released) but AFTER the late enrolment closing date. $25 administrative fee
    BEFORE the late enrolment closing date No fee. Date requests (for the session entered) can be submitted up to the late enrolment closing date (or adjusted in SCORE up to this date), which may obviate the need to transfer.


    Transfers from one year to the next are not permitted except for medical reasons, where the GP's medical certificate confirms the candidate will be unfit to be examined during the current examining year.

    Transfers are not permitted to another year or to a different instrument.

  • Exam changes policy (and fees)

    Occasionally, an Enroller may incorrectly enrol a candidate (e.g. in a Comprehensive exam instead of a Repertoire exam, or in the incorrect grade or syllabus). When an enrolment is made, it is important to double-check the details with both candidate and teacher as soon as possible.

    If a change needs to be made, requests must be submitted in writing noting the:

    • Candidate name
    • Enrolment key
    • Exam name
    • Desired exam details

    Office staff will confirm the exam change details and the relevant exam change fee. Upon payment of the specified fee, the change will be processed.


    The table below outlines the various exam changes and their applicable fee. Please note, enrolments cannot be transferred from one candidate to another.

    Scenario Fee
    Request to change the enrolment grade, syllabus or exam type is received prior to the late enrolment closing date. Any difference between the exam prices will be charged/refunded and the enrolment amended
    Request to change enrolment grade, syllabus or exam type (to an exam that runs for the same or a reduced amount of time) is received (and acknowledged by office staff) prior to the exam day (eg. changing from traditional to ‘for Leisure’ syllabus or comprehensive to repertoire exam type). $25 change fee (plus any difference between the exam prices if they are higher), as long as the subject is still examinable by the same examiner.
    Request to change the enrolment grade, syllabus or exam type to an exam that runs for an increased amount of time is received (and acknowledged by office staff) prior to the exam day but after the late enrolment closing date. (eg. Moving from ‘for Leisure’ to Traditional syllabus or from Repertoire to Comprehensive exam type.)

    If the amended exam is longer, it is likely that a transfer will be required (see transfer policy). However office staff will advise whether the current schedule can accommodate the change, and if so, the exam will be changed for a $25 change fee (plus any difference between the exam prices, if applicable).

    [Note regarding the below scenarios - an error in enrolment affecting the grade, syllabus or exam type, can cause considerable confusion and delay during the exam, and heightened anxiety for exam candidates.]
    If an error in enrolment is discovered at the exam venue, just prior to the exam. Please advise the examiner of the error at the commencement of the exam. If the new exam length cannot be accommodated (i.e. longer exam) then the examiner will advise a transfer is required (please refer to transfer policy). If examined, the report will be withheld until payment of the necessary fee is made ($40 change fee, plus any difference between exam prices). 

    If an error in enrolment is discovered in the exam, and the examiner is able to determine the intended enrolment and proceeds with the exam.

    The report will be withheld until payment of the necessary fee is made ($40 change fee, plus any difference between exam prices, if higher). 

    If an error in enrolment is discovered in the exam and the examiner does not proceed with the exam due to insufficient time.  75% of the enrolment fee (transfer fee) plus any difference between exam prices, if higher.


  • Refunds policy

    Refunds are considered in line with the timeframes outlined below. All refund requests must be submitted via email or within Score, noting the candidate name and enrolment key.

    Scenario Refund
    Request for refund received on or before the late enrolment closing date (which is usually 7 days after the published closing date, unless otherwise specified). 100% refund, or free transfer to another session
    Request for refund received up to 2 weeks from the closing date. 50% refund
    No refunds are given from 2 weeks after the closing date of an exam session

    No refund

    If transferring, see the applicable transfer policy: Medical or Non-medical

  • Cancelling an exam

    A candidate may withdraw at any time up to the day of the exam. Staff will advise whether the Enroller is eligible for a full, partial or no refund (see Refunds policy). If ineligible, the exam fee will be forfeited upon cancellation.

  • Exam notification

    When an exam has been scheduled, an email will be sent to the Enroller to notify them that the date of the exam has been set. The AMEB SA & NT office aims to provide a minimum of three weeks' notice in advance of exams. If the Enroller has not received the notification by this time, please contact the AMEB SA & NT office by emailing ameb@adelaide.edu.au.

    When Enrollers receive that email, log into SCORE and, from the menu, select "My enrolments" and find your candidate/s. The "Options" button has a menu item to "View exam notification" to enable you to see what time, date and location the exam has been scheduled for.

    Please note: changes to exams / exam cancellations after the enroller has been notified of the exam date are subject to our exam changes, medical transfers, non-medical transfers and refunds policies (and applicable fees, as outlined in each policy).

  • COVID-19 and Examinations

    Support people at exams

    Candidates can be supported by more than one person when attending an exam venue*. Please be mindful of social distancing when attending an exam venue.

    *With the exception of P Plate exams and exams requiring an accompanist/collaborative musician, only the candidate is permitted into the exam room.


    Masks provide a layer of protection for you and for others. Refer to SA Health guidelines regarding face mask recommendations. Disposable surgical masks are available free of charge at various locations on campus, including the AMEB office and examination areas. 

    Please adhere to any mask-wearing requirements in place at private venues.

    Candidates who are unwell or isolating due to COVID-19

    Candidates who are instructed to isolate due to testing positive to COVID-19 must not attend exam venues, in accordance with SA Health guidelines. Please review our Medical transfers policy for more information about how to apply for a medical transfer in this instance. This also applies if the candidate's accompanist or support person (if the support person is required to take the candidate to the exam) tests positive to Covid-19, and any requirements for medical substantiating evidence to be presented would similarly apply to that person. 

    The AMEB SA & NT follows SA Health guidelines with relation to close contact and isolation rules. Candidates and their support people, accompanists and teachers are instructed to follow those guidelines with relation to close contact and isolation advice, and mask wearing recommendations.

    Please refer to the SA Health Website for a list of symptoms generally associated with COVID-19. 

  • Enrolling in the Supplementary Session (SA practical music, Levels 1 and 2)

    The final session of the examining year is a supplementary exam session. The session is intended to provide SA candidates (who have been unable to attend their exam for medical reasons) the opportunity to be examined before the close of the current examining year. Transfers and new enrolments can be made into this session with the payment of an $85 supplementary exam fee. This fee is waived for medical transfers if a medical certificate is provided.

    Transfers for non-medical reasons into the Supplementary Session are only considered if AMEB deems there are no other options for the candidate to be examined in a prior session. To arrange approval for entry into this session, please call the AMEB on 8313 8088 or email ameb@adelaide.edu.au

    To facilitate scheduling this session, candidates need to be available for the entire session until this session's exam times are finalised (usually up to 1 week before the session commences).

    Note: excludes Diploma, Speech & Rockschool candidates.

  • Candidates with accessibility requirements or special needs

    The AMEB aims to provide optimal conditions for all candidates presenting for examination. If candidates have special needs, please let us know how we can best support them.

    Please note: Candidates with disabilities will be offered the same examining standards as those applied to all other candidates. No concessions are made regarding the assessment criteria used. However we will make special provisions around the examination process for candidates who advise us of their disabilities and the special assessment needs which these necessitate.

    There are two key ways to advise us of your candidate's special needs or other requirements in advance of the exam:

    1. Within Score

    Within the enrolment process in Score, there is an option to advise us that your candidate has special needs. After selecting which session to enrol the candidate into, an “Optional requests” page pops up and on that page is a "Special needs" section that the enroller can fill in. To ensure we provide the best experience possible for the candidate, please list the candidate's special need followed by a short description on how the AMEB office could support this candidate, as well as assistance the examiner and/or supervisors can provide on the day of the exam.
    Note: supporting documents can be uploaded if you wish, but please ensure to advise us of the candidate's requirements in the "Special needs" box provided as well.

    2. Via Email

    For more complicated queries or where you’d like to discuss this with our team, we request that the teacher or parent email our office at ameb@adelaide.edu.au with a detailed letter including any documentation outlining the specific need or disability of the candidate and how best the AMEB can accommodate the candidate in the examination.

    Advise our office in advance

    Submitting a letter/including details of the special need at the time of enrolment allows the office to have further discussion with the teacher/parent/candidate and the examiner regarding providing those optimal conditions, and also allocate a specific time on the exam session (ie start or finish), schedule extra time for the examination or provide any specifically tailored tests. It is very difficult to cater for special needs if we are advised on the day of the exam.


    Candidate's with accessibility requirements

    Please advise of any accessibility requirements your candidate might have so that these can be considered when exams are scheduled. If any candidates have difficulties negotiating stairs, this can be listed during the enrolment process in Score (as detailed above) so that we can choose the most appropriate venue, or provide advice on access for that venue.

    Please note: in the AMEB Central Venue in the Hartley Building (at the University of Adelaide), many exams are held on the 1st Floor which has no lift access. Candidates or their parents/teachers who have difficulty negotiating stairs can use the lift in the Schulz building to access this level, which connects to the Hartley building on the 1st Floor.

  • Private Venues under time (policy and fee)

    From 13 May 2022, Private Venues that wish to host exams under 110 minutes in a particular examiner specialisation* can elect to pay a fee which is calculated:

    [No. of minutes under time x current 'per minute' rate = Under-time fee].

    The 2025 'per minute' rate is $4.89. 

    Staff will contact venues that are under time to offer the option of continuing with an under-time session with payment of the Under-time fee, or a transfer to another session. Scheduling will not commence until payment of any applicable fee has been processed. (Please note, on some occasions AMEB may be able to assist with placing public students at a venue to make up time, but this is not a likelihood and cannot be relied upon).

    *Examiner specialisations include:

    Accordion | Brass | Cello & Double Bass | Flute & Recorder | Harp | Organ | Percussion | Piano | Rockschool | Speech & Drama | Violin & Viola | Voice | Woodwind (Reeds).

  • Online Theory Exam Policy

  • Appeals

    Appeals relating to Licentiate practical exams and written Diploma exams be submitted to the Federal office; Appeals Policy – Federal Practical Exams.

    For information relating to the submission of an appeal relating to a Rockschool exam, please refer to the AMEB Rockschool website. However, appeals should be submitted (in the first instance) to the State Office - see Practical exam appeals section.

    Please refer below to information relating to other appeals.

    Theory exam appeals

    Paper-based exam papers will be re-marked on receipt of a written request to the State Manager, together with the re-marking fee. In the event of examiner error, the remarking fee will be refunded. Re-marking can result in higher, same or lower grades.

    Theory remarking fees:

    Grades 1 to 4 $67
    Grades 5 and above $78

    Online Theory result appeals can be initiated for $20 each (Grades 1-5) or $30 each (Grades 6-7) via SCORE. Candidates who believe they have identified an error in the way a particular examination or question has been marked may lodge an appeal. Appeals should be lodged as soon as possible after the completion of the examination. 

    The fee is charged to lodge an appeal, however if the appeal is upheld the fee will be refunded. An appeal is deemed to be upheld if the overall result of the exam increases as a result of the appeal.

    All appeal outcomes will be notified to the Enroller within 3 business days; Online Examination Policy.

    Practical exam appeals

    There may be occasions when teachers, parents and/or candidates wish to lodge a formal appeal about a practical exam result/report. 

    Who can appeal?
    The enroller can appeal. If an exam participant who is not the enroller wishes to appeal, they must arrange the submission of the appeal through the exam enroller.

    How can an appeal be made?
    The online Appeals form must be submitted within 14 days (two weeks) of receipt of the report (via SCORE).  

    Appeal processing fee
    A $30 appeal processing fee will be charged for all practical exam appeals. After submission of the appeal, the appellant will be contacted via email with instructions to make payment within 2 business days. The enroller can then view/pay by logging in and going to their SCORE cart before the deadline to make payment. The instructions will also require the appellant to notify the office via email to confirm payment has been made - at which point, the formal processing of the appeal will begin. The fee will be refunded to the enroller if the report is modified or the appeal is upheld. An appeal is deemed to be upheld if the overall result of the exam increases as a result of the appeal.

    When can an appeal be made?
    Appeals must be submitted via the Practical Exam Appeals online form and include all the information specified in the online form. 

    What happens once an appeal is submitted?
    Please refer to the below Appeals Process

    Appeals Process

    (Please note - the Appeals Process normally takes up to 5 weeks. However, if an appeal is received in November or December, the process may take up to 11 weeks)

    1. On receipt of an appeal, the State Manager will assess whether all/any of the grounds for appeal are accepted (please refer to the table below). 'Grounds not accepted' will not be considered by any participant in this process beyond this point.
    2. Instructions will be sent to the appellant regarding payment of the appeal processing fee. Upon confirming payment has been made, the State Manager will begin processing the appeal.
    3. The State Manager may contact the examiner and include details of the appeal (de-identifying the appeal contents of information relating to the enroller, and teacher, if this person is different). If the matter is resolvable, based on information from the examiner, the State Manager will provide a formal, written response to the appellant (enroller).
    4. If the matter is not resolvable based on the information from the examiner, the contents of the appeal and the examiner's response will be reviewed by members of the Appeals Panel. The information passed on to the Appeals Panel is completely de-identified to ensure any potential for bias (i.e. no identifying information relating to the candidate, examiner, teacher, school or enroller is passed on).
    5. The State Manager will provide the enroller (appellant) a formal, and final, response relating to the outcome of the review, and liaise with the examiner, if necessary. Any changes required will be actioned at this point.
    6. If the appeal is upheld or the report modified, the appeal processing fee will be refunded to the enroller. An appeal is deemed to be upheld if the overall result of the exam increases as a result of the appeal.
    7. The AMEB SA & NT Advisory Board, Executive Committee, or Elder Conservatorium Head of School may be consulted regarding issues of more serious nature, including legal matters.


    Accepted Grounds for Appeal

    Not accepted Grounds for Appeal

    A procedural error on the part of the examiner. Questioning the grade awarded to the candidate, without any relevant specific grounds.
    An apparent imbalance between the comments of the report and the result awarded, in relation to published grading descriptors and syllabus objectives. Questioning the academic judgement of the examiner.
    Central Venue facilities had a direct and substantially adverse effect on the candidate's performance (this is not grounds for appeal for Video exams or venues managed by the candidate's teacher or school). 

    Comparing the result with:

    - that of another candidate (e.g. sibling or another student with the same teacher)

    - the candidate's results from previous exams

    - the candidate's previous success in competitions, eisteddfods, performances. school grades, etc.

    For fairness and equity reasons, requests to re-watch a video exam recording as part of an appeal (or for any other reason) will not be accepted.

    Submit an Appeal

  • Feedback

    Feedback about any aspect of an AMEB exam up to and including the level of AMusA, must be communicated in writing marked attention to the State Manager.

    All other feedback can be directed similarly, but without time constraint, with the exception of:

    • Rockschool feedback - for information relating to the submission of a complaint regarding a Rockschool exam, please refer to the AMEB Rockschool website.
    • Licentiate exam and written diploma exam complaints  - these must be made in writing to the Federal Office.
  • Privacy Policy

    AMEB Ltd privacy policy - what we collect and how we protect your personal information. This is a Federal document.

    University of Adelaide privacy policy and management plan