Experts focus on hydrogen production tech

Experts from around the world will meet to discuss the latest technology and developments in the hydrogen sphere at a virtual international forum convened by the University of Adelaide this week (14-16 September).
“The Hydrogen Production Technologies (HyPT-2) forum will explore in-depth a range of current and emerging zero carbon emission (CO2-free) hydrogen production technologies,” said the University of Adelaide’s Professor Greg Metha, School of Physical Sciences, who is co-convener of HyPT-2.
“A global focus on decarbonisation is driving demand for low-carbon energy solutions and rapid innovation in hydrogen production technologies.”
HyPT-2, which follows on from the HyPT-1 forum in 2019, will explore the major area of interest for the hydrogen industry, namely cheap hydrogen production, including limitations and future prospects of large-scale electrolysers.
“Perfecting the technology that will produce cheap and renewable hydrogen at large scale is one of the key steps in helping the world to achieve net-zero emissions.”Professor Greg Metha
“Renewable hydrogen – produced through electrolysis from renewable energy sources – is a significant part of meeting the challenge to reduce carbon emissions, particularly for sectors and industries that cannot be readily electrified” said Professor Metha.
“Large-scale electrolyser installations can be powered directly by renewable electricity, helping to enable the efficient use of clean energy, despite the variability that characterises some renewable energy sources.
"Alternative technologies are also emerging and we will explore their potential to contribute to decarbonisation."
At the forum 38 experts from around the world will:
- Appraise current technologies including their projected effectiveness as well as their limitations;
- Discuss the challenges and limitations of emerging technologies, and how to reduce their costs; and
- Consider how to integrate systems, how to scale them up and increase their effectiveness.
International signatories to the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change are committed to the goal of limiting global warming to well below 2, preferably to 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels. To achieve this long-term temperature goal, countries aim to reach global peaking of greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible to achieve a climate neutral world by mid-century.
“Perfecting the technology that will produce cheap and renewable hydrogen at large scale is one of the key steps in helping the world to achieve net-zero emissions,” said Professor Metha.
Other areas that the forum, which is an initiative of the University’s Centre for Energy Technology, will focus on are emerging electrolysis technology; technology for producing hydrogen from natural gas, bioresources and waste, and the technology associated with thermochemical, photo-electrochemical and photocatalysis processes.
For further details of the forum, including key note speakers, please visit:
Media Contacts:
Professor Greg Metha, School of Physical Sciences, University of Adelaide. Mobile: +61 (0)8 8313 5943, Email:
Professor Metha is available for interviews on Monday 13 before 2.30 pm and after 2 pm on Tuesday 14 September.
Crispin Savage, Media Adviser, University of Adelaide. Mobile: +61 (0)481 912 465, Email:
This article was first published on the Adelaide Newsroom on Sept 13, 2021, and written by Crispin Savage.