Register today for the HyPT-2 Forum

The Centre for Energy Technology at the Institute for Mineral and Energy Resources, the University of Adelaide, is proud to announce a very exciting program for the second International Forum on Hydrogen Production Technologies (HyPT-2). A virtual event being held from September 16-18, 2021, Australian Central Standard Time.
Building on the successful Hydrogen Production Technologies (HyPT) Forum held in 2019, HyPT-2 will continue to explore, in depth, a range of current and emerging zero carbon emission (CO2-free) hydrogen production technologies.
The forum will examine, through expert opinion and discussion, the different technologies, with emphasis on: appraisal of current technologies, projections and limitations; challenges and limitations of emerging technologies, and barriers leading to cost reduction; and consideration of systems integration, scale-up and effectiveness, as well as life-cycle analysis.
Attracting experts from industry and academia from across the globe, HyPT-2 is programmed in several hours-long sessions across 3 days to make the virtual program more comfortable to attend, and in time slots to allow for greater international participation.
Details and registration at