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CET celebrates release of a new book on wave energy

Congratulations to Associate Professor Boyin Ding, from the School of Mechanical Engineering, who has co-edited a text book on wave energy entitled, “Modelling and Optimization of Wave Energy Converters”, CRC Press, July 2022.
[Read more about CET celebrates release of a new book on wave energy]
Future directions in steelmaking

How will iron making technology adapt to the increasing emphasis on decarburisation – reducing carbon content in steel? Professor Geoffrey Brooks will present ‘Future Directions in Steelmaking Technology’ at the third international forum on high temperature minerals processing (HiTeMP-3), which is being held from Sept 26 – 28, 2022, at the National Wine Centre, Adelaide and online. Register today.
Carbon recycling for a cleaner greener future

“We must treat Climate Change as the true crisis it is and accelerate the implementation of all new approaches to support our war on carbon”, says CEO of LanzaTech, Dr Jennifer Holmgren. Find out more at the HiTeMP-3 Forum being held from 26-28 September, National Wine Centre, Adelaide online. Early bird registration closes on August 25.
[Read more about Carbon recycling for a cleaner greener future]
Navigating the pathway to green steel

Dr Alexander Fleischanderl will discuss Primetals Technologies' pathway to green steel at the HiTeMP-3 Forum, which is being held from 26-28 September, National Wine Centre, Adelaide and online. Early bird tickets have been extended to August 25, 2022. Register now.