Carbon recycling for a cleaner greener future

“We must treat Climate Change as the true crisis it is and accelerate the implementation of all new approaches to support our war on carbon”, says CEO of LanzaTech, Dr Jennifer Holmgren.
“We currently recycle metals, plastics and paper - so why not recycle carbon?”, she says.
Carbon found in wastes from agriculture, forestry, unrecyclable items in municipal sites, and waste gases from manufacturing, to name a few, can be converted through biotechnological processes into everyday products, turning carbon pollution into economic opportunity and a win for the environment.
US based company LanzaTech is using its carbon recycling technology to convert pollution into alternative fuels and chemicals. The company has developed a gas fermentation process that recycles carbon rich industrial off gases from a wide range of industries at commercial scale.
“This approach embodies the circular economy taking waste streams to make new products with reduced environmental impact and helping businesses and consumers reach a post-pollution reality”, Dr Holmgren says.
To find out more about this fascinating technology, join us at the HiTeMP-3 Forum, where Jennifer will present “Becoming CarbonSmart: Innovating your way to a post pollution future”.
The third international forum for high temperature minerals processing (HiTeMP-3), will be held at the National Wine Centre and online from September 26 – 28, 2022.
Early bird ticket sales have been extended and will now close on Thursday August 25, 2022. To find out more and to register your attendance go to