Review of CET Research Day 2024

Continuing its annual tradition, the CET held another inspiring Research Day last Tuesday December 10, 2024 at the Sanctuary Function Centre, Adelaide Zoo. It was an event that celebrated the research of students and staff of the Centre, as well as considering the broader challenges and priorities ahead.
The program was divided into the following four topics:
- Energy Research Overview – CET and UniSA
- Net Zero Industry Research
- Future Priorities of the Energy Industry and Research in South Australia
- Emerging Energy Technology and Tools
Special thanks to our industry and government presenters, Ms Claire Pocock, Lead Principal Innovation Delivery at BHP, Vinod Gopalan from Sparc Hydrogen and Edit Musci, Director, Resources, Fuels and Clean Technology from the Department of State Development, Invest SA. Thanks also to Prof Frank Bruno and Prof Drew Evans, who provided an overview of the energy research and initiatives of the University of South Australia, and to the friends and members of CET for their presentations – Prof Gus Nathan, Dr Zhiwei Sun, Dr Alfonso Chinnici, Dr Mark Bunch and Prof Volker Hessel.
The CET would also like to thank session chairs Ros De Garis and Keith Lovegrove, both long-term members of the CET Advisory Board, as well as Jenny Selway, CEO of the HILT CRC and the Hon Trish White AM.
This year we trialled a new career mentoring session for students and early career researchers, where participants got to talk to the CET Advisory Board about their career tips and experiences. The session was well-attended and lively with positive feedback received. Interim CET Director, Prof Greg Metha and the CET management committee team would like to share their deep appreciation to the CET Advisory Board for their commitment and involvement in making the 2024 CET Research Day such a success.
A poster presentation competition was a feature of the day. PhD and early career researchers were invited to submit a one-minute poster video to be eligible for selection to present their work as part of the program, which also included a one-minute presentation on stage. A panel of judges from the CET and the Advisory Board interacted with students during session breaks to arrive at their decisions for the best poster awards in two categories: Hydrogen; and Industrial Process Technology. The CET congratulates the following poster award winners:
- Anthony Pellicone who received a Best PhD poster in the category of Hydrogen for his work on “Simplified Thermal Analysis of a Concentrated Solar Water-Splitting Photocatalytic System”
- Mahmoud Adel Hamza Gharib, who was awarded a Commendation for PhD Poster in the category of Hydrogen for his work on “Ra-Inspired Solution of Waste Valorisation: Two Birds with One Stone”
- Renae O’Hara, who was awarded a Best PhD poster in the category of Industrial Process Technology for her work on “Thermally Assisted Beneficiation of a Low-Grade Iron Ore Powder in a Pilot-Scale Drop Tube Reactor”
- Siyun Ning, who was awarded a Best PhD poster in the category of Industrial Process Technology for her work on “Techno-Economic Performance of Decarbonising Alumina Calcination Under H2 Combustion”
- Yueching Lin, who was awarded a Commendation for PhD poster in the category of Industrial Process Technology for her work on “Thermal Pre-Treatment of Hematite-Geothite Iron Ore”.
In addition to best poster awards, the CET continued its long custom of recognising and celebrating the research work of PhD and early career researchers, with the CET Research Awards that were granted as follows.
- Dr Rachelle Kernen and Dr Sailin Liu received awards for the Best Contribution to Research Quality ECR.
- Mahmoud Adel Hamza Elsayed Gharib won Best Contribution to Research Quality (PhD)
- Edward Madbak and Hamid Esfariandi received Commendations for Research Quality (PHD)
- The Sparc Hydrogen research team won Best Contribution to Clean Energy Development
- Zhen ‘Harold’ He won Best CET Team Player
The CET congratulates all prize recipients for their hard work and achievement.
Professor Greg Metha said that he was excited by the level of participation in Research Day 2024 and the excellence of the research being celebrated by the Centre and its supporters.