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Celebrating the Adelaide-Nottingham Alliance

The growing reach and impact of the Adelaide-Nottingham Alliance (ANA) was celebrated at the second ANA Symposium, which was hosted by the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom in May 2024.

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Growing International Linkages through Australia Awards Fellowships

The University of Adelaide has been successful with three submissions from the latest round of Australia Awards Fellowships, which will promote collaboration with a number of international partners across India, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

Read more about Growing International Linkages through Australia Awards Fellowships

Australia-China University Presidents Forum Delegation visits the University of Adelaide

A high-level senior executive delegation comprising almost 50 representatives from 23 leading research-intensive Chinese universities recently visited the University of Adelaide to learn more about the University, and in particular, its research strengths in medicine and oenology.

Read more about Australia-China University Presidents Forum Delegation visits the University of Adelaide

Senior Executive Mission visits Southeast Asia

Senior delegates from the University of Adelaide, including Professor Jessica Gallagher, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement) and representatives from the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, and Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics, recently embarked on a Senior Executive Mission to Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Read more about Senior Executive Mission visits Southeast Asia



An international collaboration to protect elderly from heatwaves

A team from the University of Adelaide’s School of Public Health will develop a public health warning system for heatwaves in China, supported by a grant from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s National Foundation for Australia-China Relations.



Genetics, not lack of oxygen, causes cerebral palsy in quarter of cases

The world’s largest study of cerebral palsy (CP) genetics has discovered genetic defects are most likely responsible for more than a quarter of cases in Chinese children, rather than a lack of oxygen at birth as previously thought.



Should Australia be more like Dundee or Barty?

University experts in international relations have written a new book that aims to challenge the conventions around what Australia’s national security is and could be in the future. 
