News: australia awards

University of Adelaide bids farewell to Australia Awards scholars

Graduating students at the University of Adelaide Sponsored Students Farewell Event

The University of Adelaide recently held a special event to mark the conclusion of some Australia Awards (AA) scholars' studies and bid them farewell.

[Read more about University of Adelaide bids farewell to Australia Awards scholars]

Growing International Linkages through Australia Awards Fellowships

Australia Awards Fellowship Logo

The University of Adelaide has been successful with three submissions from the latest round of Australia Awards Fellowships, which will promote collaboration with a number of international partners across India, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

[Read more about Growing International Linkages through Australia Awards Fellowships ]

Australia Awards completion celebration

Jacqueline Lo gives speech to Australia Awards graduates

The PVC(I) attended an Australia Awards Completion Ceremony to congratulate the achievements of 19 Australia Awards Scholarship holders who graduated with Master degrees from a diverse range of programs. 

[Read more about Australia Awards completion celebration]

International Student Story - Peter Iroga

Peter Iroga main image

Peter Iroga, from the Solomon Islands, recently graduated with a Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences under an Australia Awards Scholarship.

[Read more about International Student Story - Peter Iroga]

International Student Story - Umbelina Cardoso

Umbelina Cardoso landscape

Umbelina Cardoso from Timor-Leste recently graduated with a Master of Education under an Australia Awards Scholarship. 

[Read more about International Student Story - Umbelina Cardoso]

International Student Story - Jerald Laparan

Jerald Laparan main image

Jerald Laparan, from the Philippines, has recently completed his Master of Applied Innovation and Entrepreneurship under an Australia Awards Scholarship. Read more about his story. 

[Read more about International Student Story - Jerald Laparan]

Australia Awards completion celebration

Australia awards ceremony

On Tuesday 18 May, 16 students participated in an Australia Awards Scholars completion celebration in Bonython Hall.

[Read more about Australia Awards completion celebration]

Kaunanga Hehea Tukuafu-Vaioleti - the University's only Tongan student

Hehea and family outside church

Hehea details her experience as the only Tongan at the University, and what she's learnt from adjusting to study amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. 

[Read more about Kaunanga Hehea Tukuafu-Vaioleti - the University's only Tongan student]

Australia Awards Scholarship virtual graduation

AAS Virtual Graduation students

Twenty-four students participated today in an Australia Awards Scholars virtual graduation ceremony via Zoom - a first for our institution.

[Read more about Australia Awards Scholarship virtual graduation]

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