Dean of Graduate Studies message

Did you know that as many as 70% of HDR students go on to non-academic careers?
As a Higher Degree Researcher, you have access to the Career and Research Skills Training (CaRST) program. CaRST was developed to ensure that you have the best opportunity to learn a combination of skills to enhance your student experience and maximise your future success; independent of the career pathway you choose.
CaRST supports our commitment to engaging in Research that Shapes the Future, as outlined in the University’s Strategic Plan Future Making and its Higher Degree Researcher Strategy. The diverse development opportunities support you in becoming a more effective and well-rounded researcher, prepare you for careers both within and outside academia, and give you the skills to thrive, now and in future endeavours.
CaRST is a flexible and customisable program, and your development activities can be planned to suit your experience, skills and career goals. I encourage you to engage with the CaRST program, and the online CaRST platform, from the very beginning of your program and throughout your candidature, so that you can get the most out of your studies, while also connecting with other HDR students through the program.
I wish you all the best on your research journey, and please let us know if you have any ideas on how we can improve your learning experience here with us.
Professor Carolin Plewa
Dean of Graduate Studies
Deputy Dean (Research) - Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics