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Dr Jiawen Li - Ultrathin multimodal endoscopic probes

[Read more about Dr Jiawen Li - Ultrathin multimodal endoscopic probes]

STEM MATTERS - Research Engagement workshop

[Read more about STEM MATTERS - Research Engagement workshop]

IPAS/Oz Grav Outreach Presentation

[Read more about IPAS/Oz Grav Outreach Presentation]

Georgios Tsminis - From the basement to the stars: a brief overview of making sensors for Space

[Read more about Georgios Tsminis - From the basement to the stars: a brief overview of making sensors for Space]


The SA Branch of the Australian Institute of Physics (AIP) and the Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing (IPAS) invite you to the 2021 AIP/IPAS Physics Industry Night!

[Read more about CANCELED! AIP/IPAS Industry Night]

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