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Global - X Challenge awarded to diamond-fibre magnetometer team

Heike Ebendorff

Global-X Challenge Award is designed to discover, disrupt and ultimately provide a catalyst for development and delivery of new capabilities.

[Read more about Global - X Challenge awarded to diamond-fibre magnetometer team]

IPAS PhD student awarded the best ECR Presentation at the Victorian Branch of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute

Aimee Horsfall

Congratulations to IPAS/CNBP member Aimee Horsfall who was awarded the Best ECR presentation at the Peptide Users Group virtual symposium on the 15th of October. Aimee presented to the group, a part of the Victorian Branch of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, a talk titled ‘A fluorescent 310-helical peptide constraint’.

[Read more about IPAS PhD student awarded the best ECR Presentation at the Victorian Branch of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute]

IPAS scientist awarded 40 under 40

Jiawen Li

Congratulations to Dr Jiawen Li for winning the 40 Under 40 award.

[Read more about IPAS scientist awarded 40 under 40]

IPAS novel antibacterial meshes for hernia surgery awarded the 2020 Australian Federation of University Women SA Inc. Trust Postdoctoral Grant


Congratulations to a Richter Lab's member, Dr Paula Marina, who was awarded the 2020 Australian Federation of University Women SA Inc. Trust Postdoctoral Grant. The award worth 5K will be used to develop a new implant to stop infections in hernia surgery. 

[Read more about IPAS novel antibacterial meshes for hernia surgery awarded the 2020 Australian Federation of University Women SA Inc. Trust Postdoctoral Grant]

IPAS scientist shortlisted 40 under 40

40 under 40

Congratulations to Dr Jiawen Li for being shortlisted for 40 under 40 in INDAILY.


[Read more about IPAS scientist shortlisted 40 under 40]

IPAS PhD Student awarded the 2020 Fulbright Scholarship

Nic Schumann

Congratulations to Mr Nicholas Schumann who was awarded the 2020 Fulbright scholarship.

[Read more about IPAS PhD Student awarded the 2020 Fulbright Scholarship]

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