Claims and Notifiable Events

In order to maintain adequate coverage and to be sure we can get the benefit of the insurance cover we purchase, the University must fulfill a "duty of disclosure" to its insurer.

This duty requires the University to notify the insurer of every known fact, circumstance or event (i.e. 'notifiable event') as and when it happens, so that at all times the information relied on by the insurer is correct and complete. Failure to immediately report a notifiable event to the insurer places the University at risk of not being covered by insurance that it has paid for.

Notifiable event guide & report form

  • What is a notifiable event?

    What is a notifiable event?

    A notifiable event may be a consequence, fact, event, situation, omission, occurrence, activity or failure to do something that could result in a claim made against the University. It may involve the University's students or staff, its controlled entities, titleholders, contractors, visitors or volunteers. It may be words in an email, something said to you or a misrepresentation in a brochure. These ‘things’ may require a formal or an informal resolution and they may end up in court.

    For example:

    • A student files a claim against the University alleging discrimination
    • There is an accidental release of toxic vapour in a laboratory
    • A contractor suffers an injury when working in a University plant room
    • A member of the public falls and hurt himself at the entrance to a University building
    • There is a suspected embezzlement of University funds by a titleholder

    Who must report a notifiable event?

    Everyone. staff, students, titleholders, volunteers, visitors, contractors and controlled entities.

    It is essential that notifiable events are reported to the Insurance Office as soon as they become evident. Any change in the circumstances of a previously reported notifiable event must also be reported.

    How to report a notifiable event

    To report a notifiable event, please complete the notifiable event summary and risk assessment form and email it to

  • Claims management

    For all claims and notifiable events it is important to record all details and retain evidence where possible. This includes:

    • Photographs (where necessary) which need to be date stamped and titled
    • All written demands, legal letters, complaints
    • Any faulty parts (where necessary)

    It is important that you DO NOT admit liability for any claim or notifiable event and comply with Police at all times.

    Travel Claims

    For emergency assistance while travelling, please contact our travel insurer.

    Motor Vehicle Claims

    At the scene obtain the other vehicles drivers name, address, license number, make/type/model of vehicle and insurance company details. Take photographic evidence (if possible) and witness details (if possible). To make a claim contact VERO First Response Unit as per the University’s motor vehicle claim procedure.


  • Insurance deductible

    What is an insurance deductible?

    A deductible in an insurance policy is the amount of the claim that the insured is required to pay before the insurer pays the balance. An insured who agrees to pay a deductible is accepting part of the loss and therefore has greater interest to mitigate or reduce the risk of the loss occurring again.

    The University accepts deductibles across most of its insurance policies and the amount is influenced by risk appetite, third party requirements and market conditions.

    Who pays the insurance deductible?

    The University will determine, on a case by case basis, what contribution of the insurance deducible a local area must pay based on an objective assessment. The relevant factors that will determine this assessment are:

    • Capability for loss
    • Approach to mitigation of the loss
    • Cooperation and responsiveness in notification and claims management
    • Claims history – persistent or repeated departures from best practices
    • Accountability for risk management and risk minimisation

    In the event of a travel, motor vehicle, personal accident, marine cargo, marine hull or aviation hull claim, the deductible is the responsibility of the local area or individual.