The Dr Davies-Thomas Prize

Dr John Davies-Thomas
Photo C/- University Archives
In 1896 Mrs Eleanor Davies-Thomas donated £400 to the University to establish annual Scholarships in the medical course in memory of her husband, the late Dr Davies-Thomas.
In 1934, Mrs Davies-Thomas bequeathed a further £200 to the University to augment the Davies-Thomas Scholarship fund.
Dr John Davies-Thomas was a leading physician and surgeon of Adelaide. Born in Wales in 1844, his academic career was most distinguished. Educated at University College, London, he became a Licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries in London and a member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Dr Davies-Thomas was also admitted Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians of London and graduated MD in the University of London in 1871. He received many gold medals and Scholarships. Failing health brought him to Australia in 1875 where he spent a few months in Victoria and then was appointed Senior House Surgeon in Adelaide Hospital. He was joint lecturer with Dr J C Verco on medicine from 1888 to 1890 and for eight years a member of the University Council.
Dr Davies-Thomas was a man of most extensive achievements in all branches of the medical profession.
The Dr Davies-Thomas Prizes are awarded annually to students undertaking the Degree of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery at the University.
Past recipients of the Dr Davies-Thomas Prize (previously a Scholarship) include Howard Florey and Helen Mayo.
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