Diversity and Inclusion

The University of Adelaide is committed to welcoming and supporting all community members, regardless of gender, age, race, religion, ability or sexuality.


LGBT / LGBTI / LGBTI+ / LGBTIQ / LGBTIQ* is a well-known collective term for individuals who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans/Transgender, Intersex or Queer/Questioning. 

The University has a commitment to creating a safe and supportive environment for staff and students who identify as LGBTIQ* and holds events and celebrations such as International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia & Transphobia (IDAHOBIT). We also strongly promote participation in the ALLY Network.

To find All Gender / Access toilets on University campuses please refer to campus maps.

  • Pride in Diversity

    The University of Adelaide is a member of Pride in Diversity, Australia’s first and only not-for-profit workplace program designed specifically to assist Australian employers with the inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex employees.

    As a Pride in Diversity member the University has access to a range a membership benefits including video, online and paper-based resources and publications, including:

    • Mini ALLY Guides
    • Employers Guide to Intersex Inclusion
    • Managers Guide to LGBTI Inclusion

    To access the members only webpage please contact safecampus@adelaide.edu.au

  • ALLY Network

    The University of Adelaide Ally Network is a visible network of staff and students across the University who support the University’s commitment to providing an inclusive and respectful university environment for people who identify as being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ*).

    The University of Adelaide Allies are staff and students who are knowledgeable in, receptive to and understanding of LGBTIQ* issues. Allies are not experts about matters of sexuality and gender identity - they are people who strongly support making the University an environment where all staff and students can safely work and study free of harassment or discrimination.

    In particular, an Ally understands the reasons why many transgender, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer or intersex people are fearful of being harassed or discriminated against, and why it is important to have Allies who are prepared to speak out on their behalf or advocate alongside them. Having trained Allies helps create a network of support across the University.

    For further information please contact our Ally Network Convenor, Claudia Szabo.

  • Wear it Purple Day

    Stand up. Stand out.

    Wear it Purple strives to foster supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environments for rainbow young people.

    Wear it Purple Day is about showing rainbow young people, and everybody around us, that they have the right to be proud of who they are! You are invited to not only to be proud of who you are, but also to empower together. Celebrate and empower the diversity that surrounds each and every one of us; diversity in sex, sexuality and gender identities, in perspectives, in values, in everything!

    Wear it Purple Day is celebrated on the last Friday in August each year.


    Each year the University of Adelaide’s ALLY Network and Gender, Equity and Diversity Committee celebrate International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT).


  • Counselling support

    Support for students

    If you are unsure, upset, isolated or anxious it might help to talk to a student counsellor or a support service.

    Support for staff

    Staff can access the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for support. 

    The EAP provider Human Psychology  provides specific counselling services for staff who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LBGTIQ).

  • Terminology

    Even if you're aware of and comfortable with your own sexuality, it can be helpful to understand of some of the terminology around sexuality.

    More information can be found on our Wellbeing Hub website.

    Additionally resources:

Disability support

We are committed to being welcoming and inclusive of staff and students with a disability.

For students

If you are student and require assistance and / or information, please visit Disability Support website. 

For staff

If you are a staff member with disability or require information to support staff with disability, please refer to HR's Disability page.

Gender equity

We believe strongly in equal opportunity for women, and have a long history of championing the rights of women in higher education.

Gender equity

You will find information on the University’s gender equity strategy for staff, and the family-friendly initiatives we offer.

Gender equity


We remain committed to working in partnership with the Indigenous Australian Community in a spirit of cooperation and reconciliation.

For more in depth information on reconciliation please visit the University of Adelaide's Reconciliation website.

Reconciliation Action Plan

The Innovate RAP Yangadlitya – For the Future 2019 - 2021 provides an important opportunity to promote and celebrate our collective achievements towards reconciliation, identify and address gaps in target areas, and show leadership by sharing key learnings with the national Reconciliation Australia network.

Reconciliation Action Plan