University of Adelaide Melbourne Campus
For students attending the University of Adelaide Melbourne campus: information and resources about Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment
Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment (SASH) are unlawful in all states of Australia.
For information and consent laws in Victoria
Age of consent in Victoria
Under Victorian law, a person aged 16 or older can validly consent to sex with any other person, except a person who in in a position of authority over him / her/ them.
This means that the general age of consent is 16.
For information on sexual harassment legislation and your rights in Victoria
Here are a list of services in Victoria that can help you if you experience Sexual Harm
- Victorian Sexual Assault Crisis Line (CASA House): 1800 806 292 Victoria wide 24/7 phone service, counselling and referral, or visit CASA House: Welcome to CASA House (good online resources)
- Sexual assault services Victoria Help & advice — Sexual Assault Services Victoria (
- Reproductive & Sexual Health Clinics, Education and Advocacy ( (sexual health)
- Safe and Equal | Standing strong against family violence (domestic and family abuse/ violence)
- Men' Line Free help, referrals & counselling for men: MensLine Australia
National phone lines
- 1800RESPECT: 1800 737 732 is a national counselling and support service for people impacted by sexual assault, domestic and family violence. You can call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, or chat online via their website
- Men’s Line: 1300 789 978 provides supportive and free phone or online counselling to men, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Free help, referrals & counselling for men: MensLine Australia
- Qlife: 1800 184 527 is a national telephone and web counselling service for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people, family, and friends. Chat online via pm to midnight, every day.
- Lifeline: 131 114 is a national charity providing anyone experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24-hour crisis and suicide prevention services. This is a free service.
Uni counselling services
Melbourne campus has a professional counsellor, who can provide free, confidential support to enrolled students seeking to address issues that may be affecting their study and life.
Counselling: Melbourne Campus Student Services Hub (
Emergency and police contacts
- In an emergency call 000
- Non-emergency : call police Victoria 131 444 (Police assistance line)
- Information about Sexual Offences and Child Abuse Investigation Teams
- To learn more about sexual offences (crimes) including how to report to Victoria Police and understanding consent: Sexual offences and child abuse (
- Booklet ‘Reporting sexual offences to police’ Reporting Sexual Offences_A6 booklet_web.pdf (
Crime Stoppers Victoria
If you have any information about reporting a crime or criminal activity you can contact Crime Stoppers Victoria online or by calling on 1800 333 000 and confidentially report what you know.
Also: can text STOPIT to 0499 455 455 from your mobile phone to report non-urgent unwanted sexual or anti-social behaviours on public transport. Link is below:
Further information
- UoA policies apply to all members of the University Community whether they attend campus online or in another state. See Safer Campus Community | University of Adelaide for information and resources, including training.
- And, for more information on sex and consent:
What Is Consent? | Legal Information in Victoria | Youth Law Australia (
Sexual assault - Better Health Channel
- If you are a University of Adelaide student studying at our Melbourne Campus and need support, you can also contact