Reporting Options

The University is committed to building a culture where members of its community feel safe to speak up if they experience or witness anything that doesn't feel right. We encourage you to report an issue or incident that you have experienced or witnessed. 

If you are unsure whether you should make a report, or would like to get further advice on what to do, you can look at the FAQs below or contact the Integrity Unit. Reports can be made anonymously.

Support is available to help you talk through your experience, and/or get information and advice on what to do next. 

Frequently asked questions

  • Who is a member of the university community?

    The term 'university community' refers to students, staff, visitors, volunteers, contractors and titleholders.

  • I'm thinking about making a report - what should I do?

    This reporting behavioural misconduct flowchart provides a very simple view of the general reporting process.  Alternative text for the flowchart is available.

  • How can I make a report?

    You can make a report through the reporting form (the blue button 'report an incident to the Integrity Unit' at the top of this page), or by contacting the Integrity Unit by phone on 8313 0609 or via e-mail

    You may also wish to speak to seek help to make a report:

    • For staff/titleholders:  your HR Advisor in your area or supervisor
    • For students: Ask Adelaide, International Student Advisors, Disability Support, and the Wirltu Yarlu Student Support Team are all able to help you.
    • For volunteers, visitors and contractors: your volunteer coordinator or University contact point.

    You can choose to make a disclosure or a complaint, depending on how much information you would like to provide and how you would like the University to respond.

    This reporting behavioural misconduct flowchart provides a very simple view of the general reporting process.  Alternative text for the flowchart is available.

  • What is the difference between a report, complaint and disclosure?

    A report means either a disclosure or a complaint.  

    A disclosure is a report made by a person who is seeking support or wants to report the incident, and who does not want the University to take action in response to their report at this time (a person can choose to turn their disclosure into a report at a later date if they wish). Disclosures usually relate to incidents of sexual misconduct. 

    A complaint is a report made by a person who wants the University to take action.  

  • What is meant by sexual misconduct or unacceptable behaviour?

    Definitions of sexual misconduct and other unacceptable behaviour can be found in the inappropriate behaviour section of this website.

  • I've made a report about sexual misconduct - what happens next?

    flowchart outlining the sexual misconduct reporting process can be accessed as a pdf download. Alternative text for the flowchart is available.

    For assistance in making a report or through an investigation or misconduct process, please contact the Integrity Unit at, phone 8313 0609, or visit the Integrity Unit website.

    In University settings, when sexual misconduct incident reports are received, the person who has a complaint made against them is referred to as a ‘respondent’. Other terms used below are explained in the Sexual Misconduct Policy and Response Procedures, which can be accessed through the Policies Directory.

    Make a report

    1. Choose to make a disclosure or complaint
    • If your report is a disclosure – no direct action about the information provided is usually taken. Instead, your report remains “de-identified” and is compiled with other information used to plan training and prevention activities.
    • If your report is a complaint –it moves to stage 2 (the ‘assessment’ stage, below and in the flowchart), where the Integrity Unit undertakes an assessment to consider any actions that may be appropriate and which area will manage that process.
    1. Assessment stage – where the respondent is a staff member
    • If the respondent is a staff member covered by section 8.2 of the Enterprise Agreement, the Enterprise Agreement governs processes from this point
    • The Enterprise Agreement processes mirror those in this flowchart. An assessment will lead to one of 3 main outcomes:

    i. Facilitated resolution

    ii. Investigation 

    iii. Precautionary measures - these are temporary measures, such as prohibiting a person from speaking to or approaching another person, put in place while a complaint is addressed to minimise the risk of harm. These can also be put in place whilst an investigation is being undertaken.

    1. Assessment stage –where the respondent is not a staff member covered by section 8.2 of the Enterprise Agreement:  There are three pathways following assessment:

    i. Facilitated resolution

    a. Agreed resolution – matter is then closed

    b. Resolution not achieved – if a resolution is not reached between parties, the matter will be reassessed to consider whether investigation is warranted

    ii. Investigation

    a. Allegations substantiated – this will then progress to disciplinary action. Where the respondent is a student, the Student Misconduct framework governs this process

    b. Allegations not substantiated – matter closed

    iii. Precautionary measures – these are temporary measures, such as prohibiting a person from speaking to or approaching another person, put in place while a complaint is addressed to minimise the risk of harm. These can also be put in place whilst an investigation is being undertaken.

  • I've made a report of other unacceptable behaviour - what happens next?

    Processes for managing reports of other types of inappropriate conduct are similar to those for managing sexual misconduct.  

    This reporting behavioural misconduct flowchart provides a very simple view of the general reporting process.  Alternative text for the flowchart is available.

    For assistance in making a report or through an investigation or misconduct process, or for further guidance about the way particular types of issues will be managed, please contact the Integrity Unit at, phone 8313 0609, or visit the Integrity Unit website.

  • I am an international student. Will making a report affect my visa?

    No. Reporting an incident will not affect your visa.  You can discuss any concerns in confidence with an International Student Advisor at International Student Support, University Counsellors in Counselling Support or the Integrity Unit on 8313 0609 or

  • I have experienced or witnessed an incident - what can I do?

    You have options. You can:

    • Visit the support page of this website for details on the support available to you. Remember that you can also use counselling services or phonelines even if you were not directly involved in an incident.
    • Make a report (see above questions and answers).

    You can also attend training such as bystander intervention and access more information and resources on being an active bystander.

  • One of my friends told me about an incident they experienced or witnessed - what can I do?

    Often individuals who have experienced sexual misconduct will approach a trusted person to disclose what has happened to them. Providing support and assistance to an individual in these circumstances can have a positive impact on their experience. You should be mindful of the impact providing this support may have on you personally and if you are not in a position to provide support yourself, encourage the person to look at the relevant sections on this page above for support options suitable for them. 

    Provide immediate support

    How to support

    • Find a safe and private space to speak with them,
    • If you feel comfortable to do so then, listen without judgement or without interrupting whilst they tell you what has happened to them.
    • Allow them to express how they feel, acknowledge any emotional impact they are expressing and reflect the words they use to describe the incident
    • Ask about their safety – psychological and physical – on and off campus 
    • Let them know you are sorry this has happened to them and state that it is not their fault 
    • Tell them you will do what you can to help them
    • Provide them with information about the University's support services, including sexual assault specific counselling support for students (Tel: 8313 5663), as well as specialist external services like Yarrow Place (1800 817 421) or emergency and medical services. 
    • Explain they have options and are in control of what to do next, including making a report or disclosure to the University, and/or reporting to the police. Disclosures can be made anonymously.  
    • Support them to be linked into the correct person to further discuss what they want to have happen next and refer them to the Safer Campus Community website for reporting and support options, including both on and off campus.


    If someone has disclosed their experience of sexual misconduct to you, you may find it helpful to talk to an appropriately qualified person afterwards. Debriefing is an opportunity to receive emotional and psychological support following a stressful event. 

    Students can access the University counselling service and staff can access the Employee Assistance Program, or both staff and students can call 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) for phone or web based debrief support or counselling. 

  • I am a staff member and a student has told me about an incident - what do I do?

    Often individuals who have experienced sexual misconduct will approach a trusted person to disclose what has happened to them. Providing support and assistance to an individual in these circumstances can have a positive impact on their experience. However, you should be mindful of the impact providing this support may have on you personally and if you are not in a position to provide support yourself, encourage the person to look at the relevant sections on this page above for support options suitable for them. 

    Provide immediate support

    How to support

    • Find a safe and private space to speak with them,
    • If you feel comfortable to do so then, listen without judgement or without interrupting whilst they tell you what has happened to them.
    • Allow them to express how they feel, acknowledge any emotional impact they are expressing and reflecting the words they use to describe the incident
    • Ask about their safety – psychological and physical – on and off campus 
    • Let them know you are sorry this has happened to them and state that it is not their fault 
    • Tell them you will do what you can to help them
    • Provide them with information about the University's support services, including sexual assault specific counselling support for students (Tel: 8313 5663), as well as specialist external services like Yarrow Place (1800 817 421) or emergency and medical services. 
    • Explain they have options and are in control of what to do next, including making a report or disclosure to the University, and/or reporting to the police. Disclosures can be made anonymously.  
    • Support them to be linked into the correct person to further discuss what they want to have happen next.

    Your responsibilities

    • Advise the student that you will notify the Integrity Unit with the information they have provided and reassure them that you will not disclose their personal information without their consent. 

      • If they are comfortable with their identity being provided, staff at the Integrity Unit will contact them with more information about their options.  

      • If they are not comfortable with you providing their identity to the Integrity Unit, contact the Integrity Unit on 8313 0609 or e-mail to make a deidentified report.

    • If they prefer, they can report the matter to the Integrity Unit directly by completing the online form, or by phone 8313 0609 or email

    • The Integrity Unit (8313 0609 or will ensure that the necessary measures can be put in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the student.


    If someone has disclosed their experience of sexual misconduct to you, you may find it helpful to talk to an appropriately qualified person afterwards. Debriefing is an opportunity to receive emotional and psychological support following a stressful event. 

    Students can access the University counselling service and staff can access the Employee Assistance Program, or both staff and students can call 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) for phone or web based debrief support or counselling. Support is available to from the University’s confidential employee assistance program (EAP), which is available to you at no cost. You can contact CHG on 8352 9898 or 0418 883 855 (after hours), or Human Psychology on 1300 277 924 to make an appointment. 

  • I am a staff member and a colleague has told me about an incident - what do I do?

    Often individuals who have experienced sexual misconduct will approach a trusted person to disclose what has happened to them. Providing support and assistance to an individual in these circumstances can have a positive impact on their experience. however, you should be mindful of the impact providing this support may have on you personally and if you are not in a position to provide support yourself, encourage the person to look at the relevant sections on this page above for support options suitable for them. 

    Provide immediate support

    How to support

    • Find a safe and private space to speak with them,
    • If you feel comfortable to do so then, listen without judgement or without interrupting whilst they tell you what has happened to them.
    • Allow them to express how they feel, acknowledge any emotional impact they are expressing and reflecting the words they use to describe the incident
    • Ask about their safety – psychological and physical – on and off campus 
    • Let them know you are sorry this has happened to them and state that it is not their fault 
    • Tell them you will do what you can to help them
    • Provide them with information about the University's support services, including sexual assault specific counselling support for students (Tel: 8313 5663), as well as specialist external services like Yarrow Place (1800 817 421) or emergency and medical services. 
    • Explain they have options and are in control of what to do next, including making a report or disclosure to the University, and/or reporting to the police. Disclosures can be made anonymously.  
    • Support them to be linked into the correct person to further discuss what they want to have happen next.

    Your responsibilities

    • If you are a manager or supervisor, you can receive the report from the staff member on behalf of the University. Advise the staff member that you will notify the Integrity Unit with the information they have provided, and they will be contacted with more information about their options.   

    • If they prefer, they can report the matter to the Integrity Unit directly by completing the online form, or by phone or email. 

    • If they are not comfortable with you providing their identity to the Integrity Unit, contact the Integrity Unit on 8313 0609 or e-mail to make a deidentified report.

    • If you are not a manager or supervisor, encourage the staff member to consider reporting the matter to the University by completing the online form, by contacting the Integrity Unit by phone or by email, or by reporting the matter to a trusted line manager or HR Advisor

    • If you are unsure what to do, you can contact the Integrity Unit via e-mail or via phone on 8313 0609 


    If someone has disclosed their experience of sexual misconduct to you, you may find it helpful to talk to an appropriately qualified person afterwards. Debriefing is an opportunity to receive emotional and psychological support following a stressful event. 

    Students can access the University counselling service and staff can access the Employee Assistance Program, or both staff and students can call 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) for phone or web based debrief support or counselling. Support is available to from the University’s confidential employee assistance program (EAP), which is available to you at no cost. You can contact CHG on 8352 9898 or 0418 883 855 (after hours), or Human Psychology on 1300 277 924 to make an appointment. 

  • I am a staff member and I've witnessed some concerning student behaviour - what can I do?

    If there is immediate threat to others/ you are informed that behaviour is potentially still taking place somewhere on campus – contact 000 or campus security (8313 5444) depending on the level of seriousness of the behaviour.

    Information, advice and support for staff in managing inappropriate, concerning, intimidating or threatening behaviour by a student is available through the Early Intervention Group

    Staff who observe student behaviour that is of concern can submit a Behavioural Incident Report Form

    The Report an Incident Flowchart explains what happens when students make a report to the University.  

    For student behaviour that clearly presents a threat to the student or to other students or staff members, use the Security Services emergency telephone number 8313 5444. 

    Children and Other Vulnerable People 
    Staff members are required to make a mandatory report to the Child Abuse Report Line (CARL) on 13 14 78 in relation to Disclosures and Reports of Sexual Assault or Sexual Harassment which have occurred within South Australia where the Complainant is aged under 18. 

    For more information on all of the above please contact: 

    Early Intervention Group 
    Student Affairs 
    The University of Adelaide SA 5005 
    Phone: +61 8 8313 3191 
    Fax: +61 8 8313 0075 

  • I am a student and I am not satisfied with the outcome of my report - what can I do?

    The Integrity Unit is your first point of contact if you are not satisfied with the outcome of your report. The National Student Ombudsman is also a free and independent service for students to resolve complaints about their higher education provider if you wish to explore options outside the university.